Regularly Meets On: 

2nd and 4th weeks, Tuesdays, 10:50 am-12:05 pm
*Please check meeting list to confirm times and locations

About Committee

Chair: Holly Yu

Executive Secretary: Carlos Rodriguez

The Library Subcommittee has the following responsibilities:

  1. To consider all matters of mutual concern to the standing committee and to the Library.
  2. To review proposed allocations of funds for the purchase of books, periodicals and other print and non-print materials.
  3. To review plans for expansion and improvement of Library facilities and services.
  4. To serve as liaison among instructional and Library faculty.

ASI Committee Goals and Expectations

  • To recommend policies that address the need for improvement of the Library
  • Ensure that proposed allocation of funds provide the greatest benefit possible for students at Cal State LA.
  • To continuously consult with students regarding the demand for books on reserve and other research initiatives
Last modified on June 6, 2023
