Are you ready to count?

Everybody Counts! When the 2020 Census rolls around next year, Los Angeles County will be ready as never before to stand up and be counted. Thanks to our unprecedented partnership with the state, cities and community-based organizations, we are committed to making sure all County residents in every neighborhood and of every background have the assistance and encouragement they need to fill out their surveys. So much is depending on it-not just political representation, but billions of dollars in federal funding for programs residents here depend on for food, education, housing and health care.

Students can play a crucial role in making sure the communities they live in are properly represented by "getting out the count" and, most importantly, being a liaison for what are known as "hard to count" or "traditionally undercounted" communities. Like the electoral process, those experiencing homelessness, non-English speakers, LGBTQIA+, racial minorities and many more are often not fully engaged in the process-which can set up a vicious cycle of exclusion for another decade.

YOU can help! While the Census count doesn't start until next year, NOW is the time to get informed, educated and motivated! For more information and to get involved, email: