
Date / Time: 

Friday, October 26, 2018 - 10:00am to 12:00pm


ASI Conference Room 203, 2nd Floor, U-SU

Organizational Items: 

  • Call to Order
  • Roll Call 
  • Adoption of Agenda for Friday October 26, 2018

Public Forum: 

  • This time is allotted for members of the public to address the committee.

Action Items: 

  • Appointment of the Environmental Policy Committee Vice Chair: The committee will nominate and elect an EPC Vice Chair.
  • EPC Communication: The committee will use this time to download the GroupMe app, create an account, and join the EPC group chat. GroupMe will ensure the best quality of communication within the committee.
  • Campus Sustainability Presentation: This time is allotted for the Cal State LA Energy and Sustainability Manager Brad Haydel. The committee will learn about Campus Sustainability Committee initiatives.

Discussion Items: 

  • EPC Outreach and Recruitment: The committee will discuss Fall Semester tabling and outreach efforts.
    • Details: Every Tuesday and Thursday 9 am to 12 pm on the main campus walkway, adjacent to the Biological Science building.
    • Strategy: The committee will review the script for the EPC tabling events.
    • Outreach and Volunteers: The committee will discuss collaboration with clubs and orgs (CSI), the NSS department, and commitment from ASI members.
  • Earth Day: The committee will consider partnerships and event elements.
    • EPC Tent or Table – Resource fair for students
    • Solar Eagle – ECST sustainable vehicle displays
    • Native California Plants – Planting around campus
    • Outdoor activities – Partnership with Kinesiology and Nutritional Sciences
    • Sustainable Food Truck – Student meal giveaways


  • ASI Environmental Affairs Commissioner: Javier Moro  


Download Agenda

Last modified on October 25, 2018

Regularly Meets On: 

Meeting Time: 1st & 3rd Fridays, 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Standard Location: 

Please check our meeting calendar for the next meeting
*Please check meeting list to confirm times and locations

About Committee

The Environmental Policy Committee formulates and encourages the adoption of policies that will make ASI's internal practices more environmentally sustainable. In addition the committee also seeks:

  • to collaborate with Cal State LA administrators to formulate and encourage the adoption of policies that will make Cal State LA a more environmentally sustainable campus;
  • to educate the on-campus community on the topic of environmental sustainability and environmental justice; and
  • to formulate and encourage the adoption of policies that will make the California State University system more environmentally sustainable working primarily through the California State Student Association.

What is the composition of the ASI Environmental Policy Committee?

  • The Environmental Policy Committee is composed of 12 voting members and 2 non-voting members. You may use this application to apply for the following position(s):
  • Eight (8) student members of the student body appointed with a simple majority consent of the BOD.

Duties and Responsibilities

For more information go to Administrative Governing Policies 000-022 and review Policy 012 Environmental Policy Committee Code of Procedure.

Last modified on January 24, 2022

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