
Date / Time: 

Tuesday, April 23, 2024 - 4:30pm to 5:30pm


Alhambra Room - USU Room 305

I. Organizational Items

a. Call to Order
b. Roll Call
c. Approval of Agenda for April 23, 2024
d. Certification of Minutes for February 27, 2024
e. Certification of Minutes for March 26, 2024

II. Public Comment: This time is allotted for the public to address the Cabinet regarding items not included on the meeting agenda.

III. Information Items

IV. Reports

a. College of Arts & Letters
b. College of Business & Economics
c. College of Natural & Social Sciences - vacant
d. Rongxiang Xu College of Health & Human Services
e. College of Engineering, Computer Science, & Technology
f. College of Education - vacant
g. College of Ethnic Studies
h. ASI President
i. Advisors

V. Action Items

VI. Discussion Items

a. ASI impact report 2023-24
b. Transition folders
c. Student feedback survey – results to date
d. College Rep vacancies for 2024-25 and recruitment

VII. Adjournment

Download Agenda

Current Chair

Yahir Flores
ASI President
Last modified on April 19, 2024

Regularly Meets On: 

Once a month on Tuesday from 1:45PM - 2:45PM

Standard Location: 

Please check our meeting calendar for the next meeting
*Please check meeting list to confirm times and locations

About Committee

The purpose and function of the Cabinet of College Representatives is to support college representatives by opening lines of communication and collaboration within the unit.

Under the direct supervision of the ASI President the college representatives work together to ensure open lines of communication and collaboration within the unit. They also:

  • Strengthen the communication amongst all college representatives by sharing developments, programs, and concerns within each college.
  • Assess and identify students' needs and develop strong strategies of addressing their needs on short-term and long-term basis.
  • Establish inter-collegiate programs or initiatives and collaboratively plan and implement these programs and initiatives.
  • Review the collective College Representative quarterly allocated budget and make the final decision on how to distribute funds for inter-collegiate events and initiatives. It is understood that based on the financial needs of the organization, all final budget decisions can be revisited quarterly.
Last modified on July 18, 2024

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