Cal State LA is hosting a shoe drive on campus now through March 24. The CSU Million Shoe Campaign is a partnership with the California State University Emeritus and Retired Faculty Association and Soles4Souls. Soles4Souls is a global social enterprise committed to fighting poverty through the collection and distribution of shoes and clothing. Since 2006, Soles4Souls has distributed 30 million pairs of shoes in the US and 127 countries. Soles4Souls is addressing the needs of our neighbors as over half of their shoe distribution events occurred here in the United States.
Our goal is to collect 5,000 pairs of shoes!
Where will the shoes go?
- Soles4Souls partners with homeless shelters, after school programs, and international relief organizations to distribute shoes to people who need them here in the US and around the world.
- Soles4Souls offers the opportunity for many in developing nations to create small businesses selling shoes. Micro-enterprise is a powerful and sustainable way for people to lift themselves and their families out of poverty.
- Soles4Souls is also committed to keeping shoes out of landfills. Americans throw away more than 68 pounds of textiles, including shoes, per person per year. That adds up to 3.8 billion pounds of unnecessary waste added to our landfills. Soles4Souls will recycle the components of shoes that are unable to be donated or given to the microenterprise program.
Why is your shoe donation important?
- In some developing countries, walking is the primary mode of transportation. Shoes protect our feet from cuts, fungus, contaminated soil, and insect bites that can lead to infection, disease, amputation, and death. Access to sturdy shoes reduces that threat.
- Shoes are required for many children to gain access to education. Without shoes, they cannot attend.
How can you get involved?
- Bring in your shoes. Ask your friends and family to clean out their closets, too.
- Drop off your shoes in collection boxes throughout campus or in Student Affairs, room 108.
- Remember, all shoes will be accepted (new, gently used, and well-worn/damaged) and all types of shoes are needed (dress shoes, heels, athletic shoes, kids' shoes, soccer cleats, flip flops, sandals, etc.)
For more information, please contact Jennifer Celaya Davis, Senior Director, New Student and Parent Programs at (323) 343-5708 or .
Thank you for your support of Soles4Souls!
Jennifer Celaya Davis
Senior Director
New Student and Parent Programs
California State University, Los Angeles
5151 State University Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90032