
Date / Time: 

Tuesday, March 12, 2019 - 3:15pm to 4:45pm


U-SU Board Room North/South

Organizational Items

Public Forum: This time is allotted to members of the public to address the committee.

New Business

  • CHESS 2019: Attendees will share their experience at CHESS 2019 and what they took away from the events/ activities.
  • Justice for Josiah/ Students of Color Safety Resolution: The committee will discuss the resolution that was adopted by CSSA and how ASI can promote this effort at Cal State LA.
  • Resolution in Opposition to Proposed Title IX Changes Regarding Student Sexual Assault and Harassment Cases: The committee will discuss the resolution that was adopted by CSSA and how ASI can promote this effort at Cal State LA.
  • Bills: The committee will be informed and discuss bills CSSA will be voting on at the April plenary.
    • Youth Homelessness (AB 307) by Asm. Reyes
    • Domestic Violence (AB 381) by Asm. Reyes
    • Office of Higher Education Performance and Accountability (AB 130) by Asm. Low
    • Transit Density Housing (SB 50) by Sen. Wiener
    • Renter's Tax Credit (SB 248) by Sen. Glazer
    • Service Incentive Grant (AB 540) by Asm. Limon
    • Student Athlete (SB 206) by Sen. Skinner
    • Summer Cal Grant (SB 461) by Sen. Roth
    • Financial Aid For Asylum Seekers (SB 296) by Sen. Allen
    • Board of Trustees Accountability (AB 930) by Sen. Gloria
    • Financial Aid Verification (AB 863) by Asm. Cervantes

Old Business


  • ASI Vice President for External Affairs and Advancement: Veronica Garcia-Martinez
  • ASI Diversity and Inclusion Officer: Krystal Rubio


Download Agenda

Current Chair

Arwa Mohamed Hammad
Vice President for External Affairs and Advancement
Last modified on March 12, 2019

Regularly Meets On: 

2nd & 4th Tuesdays, 3:15 p.m. - 4:45 p.m.

Standard Location: 

Please check our meeting calendar for the next meeting
*Please check meeting list to confirm times and locations

About Committee

The committee reviews, researches and makes recommendations on legislation at the local, state, and national level. Additionally, this body creates a public policy priority list and recommends action to the BOD. The committee creates a plan to manage the ASI Legislative Agenda and coordinates the ASI Lobby Corps efforts.

What is the Legislative Affairs Committee?

The Legislative Affairs Committee's charge is to review, research, and make recommendations on, but not limited to, legislation emanating from the California State Legislature and United States Congress. This is an ASI Internal Committee.

What does the Legislative Affairs Committee do?

It shall be the purpose and function of the Legislative Affairs Committee to:

  • Recommend a list of legislative priorities and recommended action to the BOD for approval by the third regularly scheduled meeting of the year.
  • Create a plan to manage the legislative agenda and other issues deemed appropriate by the committee chair or the BOD.
  • Coordinate all ASI's Lobby Corps efforts.

What is the composition of the Legislative Affairs Committee?

  • ASI Vice President of External Affairs and Advancement (VPEAA)(Chair)
  • ASI President
  • Civic Engagement Officer - Representative-at-Large
  • Diversity and Inclusion Officer - Representative-at-Large
  • Academic Senator
  • Three ASI BOD Representatives
  • Three Lobby Corps Officers to be appointed by the Legislative Affairs and Advocacy Committee
    • Campus Lobby Corps Officer
    • Local Lobby Corps Officer
    • State Lobby Corps Officer
  • Membership is open to five (5) general students
    • Legislative Affairs Committee Student Member
    • Legislative Affairs Committee Student Member
    • Legislative Affairs Committee Student Member
    • Legislative Affairs Committee Student Member
    • Legislative Affairs Committee Student Member
  • ASI Executive Director or professional staff designee (non-voting)
  • University President or designee (non-voting)

Duties and Responsibilities

For more information review: Policy 014 Legislative Affairs & Advocacy Committee Code of Procedure

Last modified on August 14, 2023

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