ASI Lobby Corps

Lobby Corps is a network of organized students from across the CSU system charged with maintaining student representation and advocacy in the State Legislature and at CSU Board of Trustees meetings. To learn more about our efforts and to ensure your voice is being heard at the state level, join us for these meetings and open discussions.

Our Mission

The mission of our ASI Lobby Corps at Cal State LA is to empower concerned students with the necessary skills, knowledge and experience to advocate for students issues on campus and at the local, state, and national level.

This mission shall be achieved by creating a team of trained and organized student advocates at Cal State LA that represent our 28,000+ students before external entities.

The Lobby Corps are responsible to disseminate current information to students and to coordinate its efforts with the California State Student Association (CSSA) with the support of Associated Students, Incorporated of Cal State LA.

Higher Education Is Our Priority

The CSU system is an integral part of California's "Master Plan for Education" which was developed by Governor Pat Brown and later adopted by the California Legislature in the 1960s. This plan outlined a coherent system for all three post secondary education institutions to ensure that some form of higher education ought to be available to everyone regardless of their economic means and that only a person's academic proficiency should determine how far they should go.

Associated Students organizations were created throughout the CSU system to ensure that the California Legislature upholds its promise of an affordable, accessible, and quality post-secondary education. The Lobby Corps were then created to follow through with this special task and to play a vital role in student advocacy. Our job is to remind elected officials about the purpose of the CSU system and its importance to the state.

Joining Lobby Corps

To make an inquiry or to apply for membership into the ASI Lobby Corps at Cal State LA, please fill out the following form and someone will get back to you about upcoming meetings and the Lobby Corps clinic/training. If you have any questions or ideas concerning policy concerns, legislative affairs, or the lobby corps please e-mail the VP for External Affairs and Advancement at


California Legislature

California State University

  • CSU Budget
    • Press releases, publications, student fee info and more
  • Board of Trustees
    • Meeting schedule, agendas, notices and trustee information

California State Student Association

  • Office of Government Relations
    • Contact for all your government relations needs. Advocacy, Voter Project, CHESS, Lobby Corps, Legislative Affairs and more
  • Office of University Relations
    • Contact for all your university affairs needs. BOT info, executive orders, shared governance and on campus issues

American Council on Education: Government Relations & Public Policy

  • Letters to Congress
  • Papers, Publications & Proposals
  • Statements & Testimony
  • Joint Committee of the Higher Education and Entertainment Communities
  • Student Aid Alliance

Key Congressional Committees