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2018 - 2019 FAFSA Workshops

it's now that time again for students to start applying for financial aid for the 2018-19 aid year. One change we have this year, is that Cal State LA is going to start the FAFSA and Dream Application workshops in the month of October. Since both applications will be opening 10/1/17, the University felt that starting the workshops earlier this year will help students get a jumpstart on the process.

Last modified on September 28, 2017

ASI Passes a Resolution of A Resolution in Support of the Dream Act of 2017

In an unanimous vote, the ASI Board of Directors passed A Resolution in Support of the Dream Act of 2017 (S. 1615/H.R. 3440 115th Congress). The document was authored by VP for External Affairs and Advancement Marcos Montes and put forward by the ASI Legislative Affairs & Advocacy Committee. Please see the resolution below and visit: to review past efforts from our legislative wing of ASI.


Last modified on September 27, 2017

LAST DAYS TO RENEW DACA! FREE DACA grants. Resources for Cal State LA Students

The Dreamers Resource Center is here to support you whether or not you have DACA. We have workshops and help with the Dream Act. Please be aware that your financial aid through the CA Dream Act does not expire with DACA. The CA Dream Act is not connected to DACA and you should begin applying by October 1st.

The purpose of this post is to inform you of DACA renewal information, DACA resources, and Know Your Rights Information.

1) DACA Renewal Information: If you are able to renew DACA, it must be received by DHS on or before October 5th2017.

Last modified on January 3, 2022


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