About Committee

Chair: Pending

The University Academic Appeals Board shall review all appeals. The Board shall determine, within twenty (20) days of receipt of the written request, whether or not the grievance or appeal warrants further review. If the Board determines that the case does not warrant further review, the board shall notify the student of this decision, in writing.

Last modified on August 22, 2023

CSU Auxiliary Organization Sound Business Practice Guidelines v1

Purpose and Objective

Title 5 §42401 and §42402 requires that CSU auxiliary organizations operate in conformity with the policies of the CSU Board of Trustees and the campus. One of the objectives of an auxiliary organization is to provide fiscal procedures and management systems designed to protect its assets and interests in accordance with sound business practices along with those of the campus. These guidelines are designed to assist CSU auxiliary organizations in achieving this end.


Last modified on June 6, 2023


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