ASI Bylaws

The ASI Bylaws serve as the core governing document of Associated Students, Inc. Some of the critical areas addressed are our legal name, our primary purpose and the limitations of our purview, the composition of our governing board, the definition of our membership, our election process and conflict resolution.

About Committee

The Academic Senate is the representative body of the faculty and speaks on behalf of the faculty. More Info | Academic Senate Minutes

Chair: Nancy Warter-Perez
Recording Secretary: Rhonda Roquemore

The Committees of the Academic Senate

Last modified on August 22, 2023

About Committee

Chair: Dr. Jose Gomez

Recording Secretary: Pending

The policy-making responsibility for the UAS is vested with the Board of Directors. The 13 members of the Board of Directors represent a cross section of the campus community and include the President of the University, two senior University administrators, two staff members, three faculty members, three student members, and two public members from the community.

Last modified on August 22, 2023

About Committee

Chair: Lynn Mahoney

Executive Secretary: Lisa Chavez

The Resource Allocation Advisory Committee is appointed by and advisory to the President on issues regarding budget policy, planning and resource allocation matters. The committee will review the consolidated University Resource Allocation Request and submit recommendations to the President. This is an administrative committee; for detailed information refer to Administrative Procedure 212 in the Administrative Manual.

Last modified on April 26, 2018

About Committee

Chair: Lisa Chavez

Recording Secretary: Jill Carnahan

Established by and advisory to the University President on proposed fee actions for all student fees. Review on an annual basis a report on the use of SSF funds.

The Fee Advisory Committee will be comprised of five (5) members:

1. Associated Students, Inc. (ASI) President or designee;

2. Two (2) A.S.I. representatives at large, appointed by ASI;

3. Academic Senate Chair or designee; and,

Last modified on September 29, 2017

About Committee

The outstanding professor awards selection committee is responsible for selecting the recipient of the award.

Student committee members will be responsible for choosing a recipient based upon excellence in teaching, scholarship, research, and professional achievement.

Student representative appointee is the ASI President or Designee.

Last modified on April 26, 2018

About Committee

Each standing committee has elected faculty members, student members, and an administrator serving ex officio as executive secretary. The subcommittees are similarly staffed.

  • Student Appointment is the A.S.I. President or Designee

The Nominations Committee

  • Makes faculty appointments to committees for University representation
  • Ensures more effective faculty governance by overseeing committee assignments
Last modified on July 23, 2017

About Committee

The Personnel Committee shall act on behalf of the BOD in all matters concerning employees of the corporation. Such actions shall be in accordance with Title V of the Administrative Code of the State of California, Policies and Directives of the Board of Trustees of the California State University and Colleges, Policies of the University, the Articles of Incorporation, and the ASI Bylaws.

Last modified on June 27, 2024

About Committee

The committee reviews, researches and makes recommendations on legislation at the local, state, and national level. Additionally, this body creates a public policy priority list and recommends action to the BOD. The committee creates a plan to manage the ASI Legislative Agenda and coordinates the ASI Lobby Corps efforts.

Last modified on August 14, 2023

About Committee

The Finance Committees acts on behalf of the BOD in all matters pertaining to income appropriation, and the safeguarding of Associated Students, Inc. funds. The Finance Committee makes recommendations to the Board of Directors regarding allocation of funds. The committee also prepares an annual budget which must be submitted to the Associated Students, Inc. BOD in sufficient time for review and approval in accordance with Article VI, Section 4 of these Bylaws. The Finance Committee also has the responsibility for recommending the most appropriate investments.

Last modified on June 27, 2024


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