
Date / Time: 

Friday, November 2, 2018 - 2:00pm to 4:00pm


San Gabriel Room 313, 3rd Floor, University-Student Union

I. Organizational Items

a. Call to Order
b. Public Comment

II. Discussion Items

a. Referendum Calendar: The committee will review the calendar of the referendum.
b. Student Petition: The committee will be informed of the latest developments to the student peititon.
c. Beginning of Marketing Campaign: The committee will be informed of first steps of the marketing campaign.
d. Next Steps: The committee will be informed on next steps of the referendum

III. Adjournment

Current Chair

Vacant Position Icon
Last modified on June 6, 2023


Regularly Meets On: 

As Needed

Standard Location: 

*Please check meeting list to confirm times and locations

About Committee

Alternative Funding & Referendum Ad Hoc Committee

The charge of this committee is to research, identify, and present viable recommendations and funding alternatives to the ASI Finance Committee for consideration. Approved initiatives shall be presented at the BOD for action. The alternatives can include but not be limited to fundraising, securing grants, sponsoring a referendum, etc. All alternative initiatives must be in compliance with ASI, Cal State L.A. University, CSU, Education Code, and Title 5 requirements.

Ad Hoc Committee Membership:

  • Finance Committee Chair (vote in a tie) - Aaron Castaneda
  • Three General Student Body Member (Non-ASI Members) (vote)
  • Two Executive Officers (vote)
  • Two BOD Members (vote)
  • One ASI Student Staff- Pending- (vote)
  • One representative from the Division of Student Life (non-voting)
    • Dr. Jennifer Miller
  • One representative from the Division of Administration and Finance (non-voting)
  • ASI Staff (non-voting)
    • Dena Florez

For more information on the committee please contact Aaron Castaneda, VP for Finance at 323-343-4778 or .

Last modified on June 6, 2023

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