Authority and Function

These codes shall act as the governing procedures for the Legislative Affairs & Advocacy Committee of the Associated Students, Incorporated (A.S.I.) of California State University, Los Angeles. It shall be the purpose and function of the Legislative Affairs & Advocacy Committee to:

  • A. Review, research and make recommendations on, but not limited to, legislation emanating from the California State Legislature and United States Congress.
  • B. Recommend a list of legislative priorities and recommended action to the Board of Directors (B.O.D.) of A.S.I. for approval by the third regularly scheduled meeting of the year.
  • C. Create a plan to manage the legislative agenda and other issues deemed appropriate by the committee chair or the B.O.D.
  • D. Elect a vice chair from the committee at the second meeting of the school year. The vice chair may be responsible for taking minutes and shall assume all duties assigned by the chair or committee. The vice chair shall assume the chair position in the absence, resignation, or removal of the chair.
  • E. Coordinates all A.S.I.'s Lobby Corps efforts.


  • A. General Students will be defined as a non-BOD or Academic Senator.

Membership and Duties

Section 1 - Membership

The Legislative Affairs & Advocacy Committee shall be composed of thirteen (13) voting members and two (2) non-voting members. The following shall constitute the membership of this committee:

  • A. A.S.I Vice President of External Affairs and Advancement (V.P.E.A.A.)(chair)
  • B. A.S.I. President
  • C. Campus Affairs Representative-at-Large
  • D. Community Affairs Representative-at-Large
  • E. Academic Senator
  • F. Three A.S.I. BOD Representatives
  • G. Membership is open to five (5) general students as referred to in Article I, Definition A, pending a recommendation from the A.S.I. V.P.E.A.A. and A.S.I. President with majority consent of the B.O.D.
  • H. A.S.I. Executive Director or professional staff designee (non-voting)
  • I. University President or designee (non-voting)

You can review the full Policy 014 Legislative Affairs and Advocacy Committee Code of Procedure via this LINK:

  • Arwa Mohamed Hammad
    Vice President for External Affairs
  • Briana Goytizolo
    Diversity and Inclusion Officer
  • Vacant Position Icon