Below you will find the membership of ASI as well as a list of our standing committee's. Select a link to find out more about the areas that make up ASI. You are also welcome to contact your representative listed below with your questions, concerns, and suggestions.

Your Student Government

  • Yahir Flores
    ASI President
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  • Caitlin Jane Calica (CJ)
    Vice President for Administration
  • Santhosh Kumar
    Vice President for Academic Governance
  • Arwa Mohamed Hammad
    Vice President for External Affairs and Advancement
  • Cindy Nguyen
    Chief of Staff
  • Briana Goytizolo
    Diversity and Inclusion Officer
  • Nathasha Booka Raghu
    Civic Engagement Officer
  • Victoria Gragasin Montoya
    College of Arts and Letters Representative
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    College of Business and Economics Representative
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  • Preet Jadhav
    College of Engineering, Computer Science, and Technology Representative
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  • Valerie Canizales
    Rongxiang Xu College of Health and Human Services Representative
  • Ananya Sharma
    College of Natural and Social Sciences Representative
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  • Rikka
    Undergraduate Academic Senator
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