The College Representatives serve on the ASI Board of Directors (BOD) to voice the concerns and represent the needs of each of the academic colleges. One student is elected for each of the seven colleges; however, the Representatives work collaboratively as well to serve the broader student population. The College Representatives sit on standing committees in ASI and often serve as student representatives on various University-wide committees. Working with their College administrators, ASI representatives plan events and create opportunities to connect with the students in their discipline in order to establish strong lines of communication between the student body and campus leadership.


Diana Rangel

Hi Cal State LA Golden Eagles, my name is Diana Cazandra Rangel (she/her/ella), and I'm a first-year graduate student in the Chicana/o Latina/o Studies department. While I study Chicanx issues, I also focus on the Latinx population and how they are represented in politics and in higher education. I participate in committees with my community in mind and what I can do better to support the students of the College of Ethnic Studies. The purpose of my position is to voice and represent the students. Feel free to reach out to me if you need suppport or help because juntos mejoraremos la comunidad (together we will better the community)

College Representatives

Reports To: ASI President

Advised by: ASI Program Coordinator and Executive Director


The College Representatives serve on the ASI Board of Directors (BOD) to voice the concerns and represent the needs of each of the academic colleges. One student is elected for each of the seven colleges; however, the Representatives work collaboratively as well to serve the broader student population. The College Representatives sit on standing committees in ASI and often serve as student representatives on various University-wide committees. Working with their College administrators, ASI representatives plan events and create opportunities to connect with the students in their discipline in order to establish strong lines of communication between the student body and campus leadership. 



  • One-on-one meetings with ASI President and advising meetings with ASI Executive Director (designee)
  • Minimum requirements for student leaders -
  • Are not allowed to participate in study abroad during their term and cannot be unreachable by phone or email for more than 10 consecutive working days at a time (including breaks)
  • Submit a state of affairs report to the BOD in accordance with the Code of Procedures
  • ASI officer duties begin June 1 and requires attendance at meetings and training throughout the summer
  • Schedule four “engagement hours” each week that may include meeting with students, faculty, staff, working events, or making presentations about ASI
  • All ASI student leaders must check email daily and be reachable by phone during business hours throughout their term in office.



The term in office is one academic year beginning June 1 and ending May 31. Student leaders are expected to be available throughout the summer for required training and preparation for the year. ASI Board member positions are essential roles in the direction and financial oversight of ASI and are required to be available to respond to business matters every day ASI is open, which includes breaks when the campus is open as well as some weekends.



In addition to meeting and maintaining Cal State LA academic standards, the following reflects ASI’s definition of essential functions for this position. This does not restrict the tasks that may be assigned or expected, as ASI's Board of Directors may delegate additional duties and responsibilities at any time, due to reasonable accommodation or refocus.

  • The College Representatives shall report at the BOD meeting on the state of their college and the needs of their constituency.
  • Serve as official representatives of their respective colleges.
  • Actively seek the opinions, needs, and desires of their constituents (e.g. through college council meetings, interactive forums, other programs, surveys, and one-on-one conversations).
  • Maintain strong communication and build relationships with the college dean and/or associate deans, department chairs, and faculty.
  • Assess and maintain an archive of the constituents’ opinions, needs, desires, as well as the college’s goals and challenges for the year. This report should be presented along with the State of Affairs report.
  • Serve on designated college-specific committee(s) to represent student voice in the college shared-governance process.
  • Present to the BOD for consideration, measures which might serve to resolve student-related problems encountered by their constituents.
  • Attend ASI outreach events to publicize ASI programs and services
  • Perform any other responsibilities that may be delegated by the BOD.


  • Voting member and required to attend all BOD meetings
  • Voting member and required to attend all ASI Cabinet of College Representatives meetings. One College Rep will be appointed to serve as the chair of the CCR and will sit on the ASI Executive Committee.
  • Required to join two additional ASI standing committees:
  • Executive
  • Personnel
  • Finance
  • Legislative Affairs
  • Community Engagement and Outreach (CEO)
  • Environmental Policy Committee (EPC)



  • Commitment to excellence and high standards
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills
  • Strong organizational, problem-solving, and analytical skills
  • Ability to manage priorities and workflow
  • Versatility, flexibility, and a willingness to work within constantly changing priorities with enthusiasm
  • Acute attention to detail
  • Demonstrated ability to plan and organize projects
  • Ability to work independently and as a member of various teams and committees
  • Ability to handle multiple projects and meet deadlines
  • Creative, flexible, and innovative team player
  • Ability to work on complex projects with general direction and minimal guidance
  • Working knowledge and understanding of ASI policies and bylaws


All elected and appointed ASI student leaders receive a type of scholarship called the Grant in Aid (GIA). The GIA payments are distributed on a set schedule each semester. To earn the full GIA payment, student leaders are required to submit bi-weekly reports of their accomplishments and activities pertaining to their position. Failure to turn in bi-weekly reports results in a reduction of the GIA payment.