
Date / Time: 

Friday, August 23, 2019 - 10:00am to 12:00pm


ASI Conference Room 203, U-SU

Organizational Items

  • Call to Order
  • Roll Call
  • Approval of the Agenda for Thursday, August 23, 2019
  • Approval of the Minutes for Friday, May 3, 2019

Public Comment: This time is allotted for the public to address the Board regarding items not included on the meeting agenda. Speaker cards are available for those wanting to speak on agenda items as listed below. Those comments will be heard as the item is introduced.
Discussion Items

  • CSUnity: The VPA will discuss the experience of attending CSUnity.
  • Retreat: The VPA will discuss the experience of attending ASI Retreat.
  • Spirit Collaborations: The VPA will discuss ideas for the October 31st game.
  • Screaming Eagles: The VPA will discuss rebranding of the Screaming Eagles and how it benefits the Cabinet.
  • Goals: The Cabinet will set goals for each position for Fall 2019.
  • Code of Procedure: The Cabinet will review the COC Code of Procedure and discuss.
  • Program Proposals: The Cabinet will discuss any concerns regarding program proposals.
  • Biweeklies: The Cabinet will discuss both the biweekly meetings and biweekly reports.


  • ASI Vice President for Administration
  • ASI Spirit Commissioner
  • ASI Environmental Affairs Commissioner
  • ASI Housing and Residence Life Representative
  • ASI Senior Coordinator of Student Engagement & Outreach


Download Agenda

Current Chair

Caitlin Jane M Calica
Vice President for Administration
Last modified on August 22, 2019

Regularly Meets On: 

Every Other Friday from 10 am - Noon

Standard Location: 

U-SU Board Room 303
*Please check meeting list to confirm times and locations

About Committee

The Community Engagement and Outreach Committee (CEO) consists of the Spirit, Environmental Affairs, Elections and Diversity and Inclusion Officer. Also included in the CEO is the Military Connected Representative. The CEO coordinates, plans and is responsible for the activities of the administrative unit of ASI. In addition, the CEO provides a number of social and educational programs for the Cal State LA community.

Last modified on July 25, 2023

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