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2018 ASI Summer Leadership Retreat Assessment

Thanks so much for your participation in the 2018 ASI Leadership Retreat. As part of our ongoing assessment of leadership development, we ask that you consider our learning outcomes and your own expectations, when responding to the prompts below.

ASI Leadership Retreat Learning Objectives

  • Students should be able to access humanitarian values (e.g. use leadership rhetoric, understand personal and social responsibility, and serve as positive social change agents);
  • explore the dimensions of difference across ASI in appreciation of varied roles and responsibilities; and
  • intentionally gain knowledge about each other and the community they serve.

Through transformative learning and engagement, students experience expanded viewpoints, diminished fear and increased openness. The ASI Leadership Retreat allows participants to take chances, tolerate ambiguity, see connections and develop relationships across boundaries.

Please complete the following.

Office Decorating Contest 2019 Registration

Office Decorating Contest

During Spirit Week 2019, show off your office by decorating it in the Golden Eagle spirit and/or Spirit Week theme! The first place winners get free lunch catered by the University Club at their next staff meeting. Contestants are encouraged to maintain their decorations throughout the week, as judging will take place on Thursday, February 7. Registration closes at 5 pm on Friday, February 1.

Departments may choose a theme that incorporates Spirit Week, Homecoming, or what you think best represents your office. Participating offices are suggested to incorporate:

  • Cal State LA or California State University, Los Angeles
  • Department Name
  • Spirit Week 2019

Offices will be judged on:

  • Originality
  • Creativity
  • Overall Appearance

For more information, email


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