Cabinet of Commissioners

The Cabinet of Commissioners (COC) consists of a Spirit, Environmental Affairs, Elections and Orientation, Housing, and Veteran Commissioners. The Cabinet of Commissioners coordinates, plans and is responsible for the activities of the administrative units of the Associated Students, Inc. In addition, the COC provides both a number of social and educational programming for the Cal State L.A. community.

Judicial Review Committee

The Chief Justice and Associate Justices compose the Judicial Review Committee. The purpose of the Judicial Review Committee (JRC) is to review, upon appeal, decisions of the Board of Directors involving interpretations of the Articles of Incorporation, the Bylaws and the Code of Procedures.

Cabinet of Academic Senators

Cabinet of Academic Senators shall coordinate, plan, and be responsible for the actions of the academic governance units of A.S.I. The Cabinet of Academic Senators (CAS) meets with the University Academic Senate (governed by faculty) to actively engage in the process of shared governance of the university.

Cabinet of College Representatives

There are a total of twelve College Representatives. Two Representatives acting on behalf of each of the six Colleges, which include the College of Arts and Letters, College of Business and Economics, Charter College of Education, College of Engineering and Technology, College of Natural and Social Sciences and Health and Human Services.

Executive Officers

There are six Executive Officer positions in A.S.I.:

  • President
  • Vice President for Administration
  • Vice President for Finance
  • Vice President for Academic Governance
  • Vice President for External Affairs and Advancement
  • Secretary/Treasurer



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