Date / Time:
I. Organizational Items
- a. Call to Order
- b. Roll Call
- c. Approval of the agenda for Tuesday, February 27, 2018
- d. Approval of minutes for Tuesday, January 30, 2018
II. Public Forum - Allotted time for members of the public to address the committee.
III. Discussion
a. The committee will review strategic initiatives survey results gathered this far.
- 1. The committee will discuss how the effort is going gathering external and internal feedback regarding the initiatives.
b. Review and discuss the SPC Timeline
- 1. Review and discuss Timeline - The committee will review the timeline for road show dates and upcoming events
IV. Adjournment
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About Committee
The committee assists the BOD in recommending goals, based upon the above strategic plans, to the BOD. This body is also responsible for periodically reassessing the ASI Purpose and Vision Statement, analyzing the ASI climate, and creating, reevaluating, and modifying the organization's short-term and long-term plans.
What does the Strategic Planning Committee do?
It is the responsibility of the Strategic Planning Committee to assist the Board of Directors in recommending and directing, for their approval, the Associated Students, Inc. BOD towards their vision. The following is a partial list of tasks for which the committee is responsible.
- Periodically reassess the mission and vision statement.
- Analyze the current environment surrounding ASI
- Create, reevaluate, and modify the short-term and long-term plan as necessary.
- Recommend goals, based upon the above strategic plans, to the BOD.
What is the composition of the Strategic Planning Committee?
- The Strategic Planning Committee is composed of 6 voting members and 2 non-voting members. You may use this application to apply for the following positions:
- One student outside of ASI (non elected or appointed)
Duties and Responsibilities
- For more information go to our website Administrative Governing Policies and select Governance Policies and Procedures 000-018 and review Policy 011 Strategic Planning Committee Codes of Procedures.