
Date / Time: 

Wednesday, March 20, 2019 - 12:00pm to 1:30pm


Board Room 303AB, 3rd Floor, University-Student Union

Organizational Items

Public Forum - This time is allotted to members of the public to address the Cabinet.

Reports (3 minutes each)

  • Vice President for Academic Governance
  • Academic Senators

Information Items

  • State of Affairs - Senators will be reminded of the upcoming State of Affairs deadline.
  • Annual Evaluations - The Cabinet will be informed about upcoming staff evaluations and the process.
  • CSSA April Plenary - The Cabinet will be informed on the upcoming CSSA meeting at Cal State LA and the different volunteering opportunities.

Discussion Items

  • 15 to Finish Campaign - ASI Senator Diana Chavez will lead the conversation about the campaign and whether the name should be changed to be more student oriented.
  • Enrollment Growth Challenges - The Cabinet will discuss the most recent updates in regards to impaction and the action of the ASI Board.
  • Transition Folders: The Cabinet will look over a previous Transition Folder and discuss the process.


Download Agenda

Current Chair

Santhosh Kumar
Vice President for Academic Governance
Last modified on March 20, 2019

Regularly Meets On: 

Every other Tuesday 1:45PM – 2:45PM

Standard Location: 

Please check our meeting calendar for the next meeting
*Please check meeting list to confirm times and locations

About Committee

The Cabinet of Senators (CAS) coordinates, plans, and is responsible for the actions of the academic governance unit of ASI. The CAS meets with the Academic Senate (governed by faculty) to actively engage in the process of shared governance of the university.

Last modified on June 27, 2024

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