
Date / Time: 

Tuesday, April 5, 2022 - 4:30pm to 5:45pm


Alhambra - USU Room 305

I. Organizational Items

a. Call to Order
b. Roll Call
c. Approval of Agenda for April 5, 2022
d. Approval of Minutes from March 15, 2022

II. Public Comment: This time is allotted for the public to address the Board regarding items not included on the meeting agenda.

III. Informational Items

a. CSU compliance audit update - Dena

IV. Action Items

a. Appointment of Josue to Student Policy Committee (as graduate student rep)

V. Discussion Items

a. Teambuilding ideas to bring ASI student leaders together
b. Transition folders reminder – follow up with Direct Reports
c. End of Year banquet program and proposed dates – May 13 or 20
d. 75th Anniversary time capsule – how to gather feedback from students
 e. Addressing Student Needs program – need to get survey responses (elections tables?) and propose date/time

VI. Reports

a. Members
b. Advisors

VII. Adjournment

Download Agenda

Current Chair

Yahir Flores
ASI President
PDF icon Executive Minutes 3/15/22250.51 KB
Last modified on April 5, 2022

Regularly Meets On: 

Once a month on Tuesday 3PM – 4:15PM

Standard Location: 

U-SU Board Room 303
*Please check meeting list to confirm times and locations

About Committee

The Executive Committee coordinates the information, programs, projects, and problems to be considered by the Associated Students, Inc. Board of Directors. The Executive Committee shall also provide general policy guidelines, and make specific policy decisions, in place of the entire Board of Directors only when the BOD cannot be called together to act on an emergency matter.

All policy decisions of the Executive Committee shall be reported to the BOD and may be overturned by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the BOD present at the meeting.

The Executive Committee shall be composed of eight (8) voting and four (4) non-voting members.

  • A. ASI President, who shall serve as chair
  • B. ASI Vice President for Administration (VPA), who shall serve as vice-chair
  • C. ASI Vice President for Finance (VPF)
  • D. ASI Vice President for Academic Governance (VPAG)
  • E. ASI Vice President for External Affairs and Advancement (VPEAA)
  • F. ASI Secretary/Treasurer
  • G. Three (3) members of the BOD appointed by the ASI President with a simple majority consent
  • of the BOD
  • G. ASI Executive Director (non-voting)
  • H. ASI Office Manager (recording secretary) (non-voting)
  • I. ASI Director of Government Affairs & Leadership Programs (non-voting)
  • J. University President or designee (non-voting)
Last modified on June 27, 2024

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