
Date / Time: 

Thursday, January 21, 2016 - 3:30pm to 6:00pm


Housing Services, Phase II Lounge

Information Item:

A.S.I. IRS 990 Form - 2014 Draft (LINK)- The Board will review and take action on the 990 Tax Returns for the 2014.

Action Items:

Policy 201 Finance Committee COP - the Board will review and take action on recommended changes approved by the Finance and Bylaws Committee.

Policy 204 Funding Policy - the Board will review and take action on recommended changes approved by the Finance and Bylaws Committee.


Policy 213 - the Board will review and take action on recommended changes approved by the Finance and Bylaws Committee..


  • Funding Proposals considered by the Finance Committee: The BOD will take action on the
  1. American Association of Airport Executives Student Chapter - SWAAAE's 56th Annual Airport Management Short Course - $2,082.36 - FC Recommended
  2. English Graduate Student Association - Significations - $1860.12 - FC Recommended
  3. GAUGE - Design Speaker Series - $1,168.29 - FC Recommended
  4. Phi Alpha Theta - Annual Phi Alpha Theta Banquet - $1151.60 - FC Recommended
  5. Beta Alpha Psi - Bahn Mi Che Cali Fundraiser Series - $1089.00 - FC Recommended
  6. Ecocar 3 - 2016 Winter Workshop - $2000 - FC Not Recommended
  7. Phi Pi Alpha - Firehouse World Conference Ambassador Program - $1493.20 - FC Recommended

Current Chair

Yahir Flores
ASI President
Last modified on December 7, 2021

Regularly Meets On: 

Every other Thursday from 2PM – 4:15PM

Standard Location: 

U-SU Board Rm. 303AB
*Please check meeting list to confirm times and locations

About Committee

The purposes and function of the Board of Directors (BOD) shall:

  1. Act as a governing board for the ASI
  2. Act as a steward to the student funds
  3. Act as a learning laboratory for student leadership

The Board of Directors shall consist of the following directors elected by the Cal State LA student body, as specified in Article IV of the ASI Bylaws.

  • ASI President
  • ASI Vice President for Administration (VPA)
  • ASI Vice President for Finance (VPF)
  • ASI Vice President for Academic Governance (VPAG)
  • ASI Vice President for External Affairs and Advancement (VPEAA)
  • ASI Secretary/Treasurer
  • ASI Diversity and Inclusion Officer - Representative-at-Large
  • ASI Civic Engagement Officer - Representative-at-Large
  • Two (2) College of Arts & Letters Representatives
  • Two (2) College of Business & Economics Representatives
  • Two (2) Charter College of Education Representatives
  • Two (2) College of Engineering, Computer Science, & Technology Representatives
  • Two (2) Rongxiang Xu College of Health & Human Services Representatives
  • Two (2) College of Natural & Social Sciences Representatives

For more information regarding the role and function of the Board of Directors please review Policy 002 - Board of Directors Code of Procedure see below

Board of Directors Code of Procedures


Last modified on June 27, 2024

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