About Committee

Last modified on September 3, 2015

About Committee

Last modified on September 3, 2015

About Committee

The College of Arts and Letters Resource Allocation Committe provides a basic level of review for the allocation of college resources while researching & analyzing college trends.

Last modified on October 26, 2022

About Committee

Last modified on June 21, 2016

About Committee

The College of Business and Economics Graduate Studies Committee is responsable for reviewing and approving graduate study curriculum, any changes and proposals, as well as other program related issues.

Last modified on August 9, 2017

About Committee

Last modified on June 2, 2017

About Committee

Chair: Pending

Executive Secretary: Pending


a. Evaluate and recommend policies regarding advisement of all students.

b. Evaluate and recommend policies regarding placement of all students.

c. Encourage programs and develop sources of financial aid and scholarship funds.

d. Select recipients for College-wide Undergraduate and Graduate student awards, grants, or scholarships

Last modified on June 6, 2023


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