A&L La Finesse de la Nuit

Music! Poetry! Dance! Fashion! Painting! Sculptures! La Finesse 2015 is the place to be! With an array of multi-media culture stemming...

Walk in Our Shoes

Take a journey in my shoes. Step into someone's shoes and it just may change your life. Join us for an interactive experience at...

Charter Degree Worth

On your way to graduation but uncertain about what the future holds? Find out what your degree from Charter College is really worth!...

ECST Fast Break

Take a fast break with ECST College Reps and Dean. Come out and discuss the future of ECST, your needs as a student, and meet your...

A&L Major Payoff

Confused about what to do after graduation? Is the world really your oyster? Come join A.S.I. and the College of Arts and Letters to...

Spring into an Internship

Are you a student in the College of Business & Economics? Looking for the perfect internship? Not sure how to even start looking?...


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