The ASI VP for External Affairs and Advancement (VPEAA) serves as an executive officer on the ASI Board of Directors and is responsible for representing ASI at the California State Students Association (CSSA) Plenary Meetings. Additionally, this person sits on related boards, commissions, and other policymaking groups of the California State University. At Cal State LA, they chair the campus Civic Engagement Committee and ASI Legislative Affairs & Advancement Committee and supervise the ASI Diversity & Inclusion Officer and ASI Civic Engagement Officer. Additionally, the VPEAA keeps the ASI Board informed about legislation affecting students and is responsible for engaging students in political action. The VPEAA also manages the ASI Resolution development process and arranges meetings with legislators at the State Capitol as part of the California Higher Education Student Summit.


Reports To: ASI President

The VP for External Affairs and Advancement (VPEAA) serves as an executive officer on the Associated Students, Incorporated (ASI) Board of Directors (BOD) and is responsible for serving as one of two primary representatives for ASI to the California State Students Association (CSSA). The VPEAA serves as a conduit of information from various boards, commissions, and other policymaking groups of the California State University, the State of California, and other entities, to inform ASI and the student body about issues that concern Cal State LA students.


  • One-on-one meetings with ASI President, ASI Executive Director
  • One-on-one meetings with the Civic Engagement Officer and Diversity and Inclusion Officer, as well as the Lobby Corps, Vice Chair for Legislative Affairs
  • Serve as the voting member on behalf of ASI to the California State Student Association (CSSA) and attend monthly plenary meetings that may require travel to different parts of the State
  • Minimum requirements for student leaders -
  • Are not allowed to participate in study abroad during their term and cannot be unreachable by phone or email for more than 1 week at a time
  • ASI officer duties begin in June and requires attendance at meetings and training throughout the summer
  • ASI executive officers are required to chair ASI committees and serve as student representatives on various University committees (see details below) which requires several hours each week
  • Hold regular office hours to be available for the student body to meet and express concerns

The term in office is one academic year beginning June 1 and ending May 31. Student leaders are expected to be available throughout the summer for required training and preparation for the year. ASI executive officer positions are essential roles in the direction and financial oversight of ASI and are required to be available to respond to business matters every day ASI is open, which includes breaks when the campus is open as well as some weekends. All ASI student leaders must check email daily and be reachable by phone during business hours throughout their term in office.

In addition to meeting and maintaining Cal State LA academic standards, the following reflects ASI’s definition of essential functions for this position. This does not restrict the tasks that may be assigned or expected, as ASI's Board of Directors may delegate additional duties and responsibilities at any time, due to reasonable accommodation or refocus.

  • Serves as the voting member for ASI and attends all meetings of the California State Student Association (CSSA), the State-wide student government association for the CSU
  • Attends and organizes participation for other ASI student leaders in the annual CSSA California Higher Education Student Summit (CHESS)
  • Attends all external affairs meetings to carry out any external affairs work delegated or acquired at CSSA
  • Assists with the organization and planning of hosting of CSSA plenary meeting at Cal State LA for one weekend out of the year, if the BOD members choose to bid for the hosting of the event
  • Provides monthly reports to the BOD on CSSA, state and national issues, as well as legislative issues affecting students
  • Provides the ASI Office Manager with all original minutes from all LAAC meetings
  • Coordinates a voter registration drive though out the fall for November elections
  • Keeps the BOD informed and does research regarding legislative action and campus opinions
  • Manages the creation, review, and approval process of creating ASI Resolutions
  • Establishes contact with all appropriate representatives through written and personal communication for the purpose of conveying student concerns and obtaining information on relevant legislative issues
  • Coordinates student meetings with legislators in the Assembly and the Senate
  • Coordinates voter registration drives each semester there is an election
  • Acts as a legislative liaison to the media, and provides all relevant policy resource materials to the student body
  • Recruits and facilitates the placement of students on state-wide committees


  • Serves as Chair of the Legislative Affairs & Advocacy Committee (LAAC). The committee reviews, researches and makes recommendations on legislation at the local, state, and national level. Additionally, this body creates a public policy priority list and recommends action to the BOD. The committee creates a plan to manage the ASI Legislative Agenda and coordinates the ASI Lobby Corps efforts. For more information about the LAAC visit: committee
  • Serves as the Chair of ASI Lobby Corps, which is a network of organized students from across the CSU system charged with maintaining student representation and advocacy in the State Legislature and at CSU Board of Trustees meetings. The Lobby Corps is responsible for disseminating information to students and coordinating its efforts with the California State Student Association (CSSA) and provides students with the necessary skills, knowledge and experience to advocate for students issues on campus and at the local, state, and national level. For more information about Lobby Corps visit:
  • Attends all ASI BOD meetings
  • Attends monthly CSSA Plenary meetings and serves on CSSA committees that require additional meetings, such as Systemwide Affairs and Legislative Affairs
  • Sits on five (5) ASI standing committees and one (1) university committee and must be available for meetings of the
         o SharedGovernanceCommittee,
         o Executive Committee,
         o Strategic Planning Committee, and
         o Finance Committee


  • Commitment to excellence and high standards
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills
  • Strong organizational, problem-solving, and analytical skills
  • Ability to manage priorities and workflow
  • Versatility, flexibility, and a willingness to work within constantly changing priorities with enthusiasm
  • Acute attention to detail
  • Demonstrated ability to plan and organize projects
  • Ability to work independently and as a member of various teams and committees
  • Ability to handle multiple projects and meet deadlines
  • Creative, flexible, and innovative team player
  • Ability to work on complex projects with general direction and minimal guidance
  • Working knowledge and understanding of ASI policies and bylaws

All elected and appointed ASI student leaders receive a type of scholarship called the Grant in Aid (GIA). The GIA payments are distributed on a set schedule each semester. To earn the full GIA payment, student leaders are required to submit bi-weekly reports of their accomplishments and activities pertaining to their position. Failure to turn in bi-weekly reports results in a deduction of the GIA payment.