Date / Time:
I. Organizational Items
II. Public Comment: We will now move on to Public Comment. This time is allotted for the public to bring up comments or concerns of interest to the board. Please be advised that due to a set agenda, the board will not address the items brought up at this time but will note them down for the Executive Committee's review and action. If members of the public would like to be followed up with directly, please provide your contact information through the QR code on the door or through the form provided on the ASI website meeting agenda. We will now call on members of the public in the order of registration before moving on to the general public.
III. Reports
IV. Informational Items
a. Executive Officers Office Hours
V. Action Items
a. 2024-2025 Executive Cabinet Goals
VI. Discussion Items
VII. Adjournment
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Current Chair
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About Committee
The Executive Committee coordinates the information, programs, projects, and problems to be considered by the Associated Students, Inc. Board of Directors. The Executive Committee shall also provide general policy guidelines, and make specific policy decisions, in place of the entire Board of Directors only when the BOD cannot be called together to act on an emergency matter.
All policy decisions of the Executive Committee shall be reported to the BOD and may be overturned by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the BOD present at the meeting.
The Executive Committee shall be composed of eight (8) voting and four (4) non-voting members.
- A. ASI President, who shall serve as chair
- B. ASI Vice President for Administration (VPA), who shall serve as vice-chair
- C. ASI Vice President for Finance (VPF)
- D. ASI Vice President for Academic Governance (VPAG)
- E. ASI Vice President for External Affairs and Advancement (VPEAA)
- F. ASI Secretary/Treasurer
- G. Three (3) members of the BOD appointed by the ASI President with a simple majority consent
- of the BOD
- G. ASI Executive Director (non-voting)
- H. ASI Office Manager (recording secretary) (non-voting)
- I. ASI Director of Government Affairs & Leadership Programs (non-voting)
- J. University President or designee (non-voting)