Date / Time:
Organizational Items
a. Call to Order
b. Roll Call
c. Concerns from the Floor
d. Intent to Raise Questions
e. Adoption of Agenda for Thursday, September 26, 2019
f. Adoption of Minutes for Thursday, August 29, 2019
Public Comment: This time is allotted for the public to address the council regarding items not included on the meeting agenda. Speaker cards are available for those wanting to speak on agenda items as listed below. Those comments will be heard as the item is introduced.
Reports (3 minutes each)
a. Vice President for Academic Governance
b. Academic Senators
c. Committee Representatives
Action Item
a. The committee will take action on Policy 023 - Shared Governance Council Code of Procedure.
Information Items
a. College-Specific Committees - The Council will be informed on how to recruit students for College-Specific Committees and the importance to gather updated information and students seats in the college.
Discussion Items
a. Transparency to the Student Body - The Council will discuss potential avenues of communication to share information to the student body.
b. Open Deliberation - The Council will be introduced to the Open Deliberation overview and will discuss marketing tactics, involvement and implementation of the event.
Current Chair
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Regularly Meets On:
Standard Location:
About Committee
The purpose and function of the Shared Governance Council (SGC) of the Associated Students, Inc. (ASI) of California State University, Los Angeles.
- A. Review, research and make recommendations on, but not limited to, Academic and Administrative policy affecting students.
- B. Maintain active communication to the student body regarding but not limited to Academic and Administrative Affairs by creating resolutions, white papers, utilizing media outlets etc.
- C. Work with all appropriate areas in order to ensure that genuine Shared Governance is being upheld between students, faculty, and administration. These areas include but are not limited to: ASI College Representatives, Department Chairs, Students, etc.
- D. Create annual assessments for the student success fee and any student fee the council deems appropriate to ensure effective and ethical use of student fees.
- E. Create assessments ascertaining the quality of service offered to students that the council finds appropriate.
What is the composition of the SGC?
Shared Governance Council membership:
- A. Vice President for Academic Governance (VPAG) (chair, non-voting)
- B. ASI Academic Senators (3 Undergraduates, 2 Post -Baccalaureates) (one of which shall be appointed vice-chair at the first or second meeting of the SGC)
- C. Student Representatives appointed by the BOD to all University and Academic Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- D. All official ASI Board members that are required to sit on a University or Academic Senate Committee or Subcommittee
- E. Faculty Appointee (one faculty member selected by the Committee on Committees of the Academic Senate, non-voting committee advisor)
- F. The Provost or the Provost's designee (non-voting committee advisor)
Recent Meetings
Date | Agenda | Minutes |