
Date / Time: 

Tuesday, April 5, 2022 - 3:15pm to 4:15pm


Alhambra - USU Room 305


I. Organizational Items

A. Call to Order
B. Roll Call
C. Approval of the agenda for April 5, 2022
D. Approval of the minutes from March 15, 2022
E. Approval of the minutes from March 10, 2022
F. Approval of the minutes from March 8, 2022
G. Approval of the minutes from March 1, 2022

II. Public Comment: This time is allotted for the public to address the Board regarding items not included on the meeting agenda.

III. Information Item

IV. Discussion Items

A. Executive Director Evaluation – discussion of the evaluation tool
i. ASI Performance evaluation template- start reviewing this first
ii. Blue Avocado – ED Evaluation
iv. CSU Long Beach ED policy for evaluation and succession

V. Action Item

A. Vice Chair – The committee will appoint a vice chair for the committee

VI. Reports

A. Voting Membership
B. Advisors

VII. Adjournment 

Last modified on July 26, 2022

Regularly Meets On: 

Once a month on Tuesday 3PM – 4PM

Standard Location: 

U-SU Board Room 303
*Please check meeting list to confirm times and locations

About Committee

The Personnel Committee shall act on behalf of the BOD in all matters concerning employees of the corporation. Such actions shall be in accordance with Title V of the Administrative Code of the State of California, Policies and Directives of the Board of Trustees of the California State University and Colleges, Policies of the University, the Articles of Incorporation, and the ASI Bylaws.

The Personnel Committee makes recommendations to the BOD regarding hiring employees, dismissing employees, establishing policies regarding employee benefits, responsibilities, compensation, and grievance procedures.

The Personnel Committee shall make annual recommendations to the BOD on personnel matters involving any changes in the level of budgetary support. The Personnel Committee shall conduct, on a semi-annual basis, a review of the performances of the full-time employees.

The Personnel Committee shall be composed of eight (8) voting and five (5) non-voting members.

  • A. ASI Vice President for Administration, who shall serve as chair
  • B. ASI President
  • C. ASI Vice President for Academic Governance
  • D. ASI Vice President for Finance
  • E. ASI Vice President for External Affairs and Advancement
  • F. ASI Secretary/Treasurer
  • G. Two (2) members of the BOD appointed by the ASI President with a simple majority consent of the BOD
  • H. ASI Executive Director (non-voting)
  • I. ASI Director of Government Affairs & Leadership Programs (non-voting)
  • J. ASI Office Manager for Administration and Services (recording secretary) (non-voting)
  • K. A representative from the University's Office of Human Resources Management (non-voting)
  • L. University President or designee (non-voting)
Last modified on June 27, 2024

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