ASI President
Accountable To: Cal State LA Student Body, ASI Board of
Advised by: ASI Executive Director, Dean of Students, University
President, University Vice President for Student Affairs
and Enrollment Management
The President is the chief executive officer and Chair of the ASI Board of Directors (BOD) and is responsible for ensuring the smooth operation, accountability, and representation of the Board of Directors by providing strategic direction on student-related issues, policies, and services that affect Cal State LA students. The President provides guidance and ensures focus on the goals of the BOD and maintains a close working relationship with the Executive Director and University Advisors for guidance and support.
- One-on-one meetings with all student leaders reporting to the President: Vice Presidents, Chief of Staff, Diversity and Inclusion Officer, (6 student leaders)
- One-on-one meetings with ASI Executive Director, Dean of Students, University President and Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management
- Minimum requirements for student leaders - https://asicalstatela.org/get-involved/apply-position/basic-eligibility-requirements
- Not allowed to participate in study abroad during their term and cannot be unreachable by phone or email for more than 1 week at a time
- ASI officer duties begin in June and requires attendance at meetings and training throughout the summer
- ASI executive officers are required to chair ASI committees and serve as student representatives on various University committees (see details below) which requires several hours each week
- Engage with students weekly through events, programs, and presentations
- All ASI student leaders must check email daily and be reachable by phone during business hours throughout their term in office
The term in office is one academic year beginning June 1 and ending May
31. Student leaders are expected to be available throughout the summer for required training and
preparation for the year. ASI executive officer positions are essential roles in the direction and
financial oversight of ASI and are required to be available to respond to business matters every day
ASI is open, which includes breaks when the campus is open as well as some weekends.
In addition to meeting and maintaining Cal State LA academic standards,
the following reflects ASI’s definition of essential functions for this position. This does not
restrict the tasks that may be assigned or expected, as the BOD may delegate additional duties and
responsibilities at any time, due to reasonable accommodation or refocus.
- Chairs all ASI Board Meetings, which meets bi-weekly
- Master parliamentary procedure to facilitate and chair ASI Board meetings
- Performs all duties of the Chairperson according to Robert's Rules and the ASI bylaws
Appoints student representatives, with the approval of a majority vote
of the BOD, to the following:
- Instructionally Related Activities Board
- CSULA Foundation
- University Auxiliary Services, Inc. (UAS)
- Exercises general oversight of the business of the BOD
- Provides leadership and guidance to College Representatives through regular meetings
- Represents ASI before boards, commissions, and other policymaking groups on and off campus
- Advocates the student perspective on issues that affect the quality of student life, including the quality of education, student rights, student life, and campus issues
- Serves as a liaison between the BOD and the Cal State LA President and Administration
- In conjunction with the Executive Director and ASI Staff, gains a solid understanding of the powers and limitations of ASI through researching executive orders, auxiliary policies, state mandates, and other relevant codes
- Keeps current on changes to the state budget which affect CSU students such as fee increases and cuts to outreach programs
- Interprets past ASI BOD actions and researches former referendums to advise and to have a strong depth of knowledge when advising the Board on decisions
- Identifies possible resources and establishes and maintains working relationships with administration, faculty, and staff
- Maintains constant communication with all the Board members to help them to define and achieve the objectives developed by the current BOD
- Serves as a signatory for ASI on certain financial transactions and agreements as outlined in policy
- Meets monthly with the University President, VP of Student Life and Enrollment Management, and Dean of Students
Serves as the Chair of the Board of Directors (BOD). The purpose and function of the BOD shall be to
act as a governing body for ASI, be a steward to the student funds, and serve as a learning
laboratory for student leadership. For more information about the BOD visit:
https://asicalstatela.org/committee/asi-board-directors -
Serves as the Chair of the Executive Cabinet and coordinates the information, programs, projects,
and problems to be considered by the ASI BOD. This body shall also provide general policy
guidelines, and make specific policy decisions, in place of the entire BOD only when the BOD cannot
be called together to act on an emergency matter. For more information about the Executive Cabinet
https://asicalstatela.org/committee/executive-committee - Serves as a student member of the University Resource Allocation Advisory Committee
- Serves on the Student Fee Advisory Committee
- Serves as an advisory member on the U-SU Board and UAS Board
Serves as a voting member on the following ASI standing committees:
- Personnel Committee
- Community Outreach and Engagement Committee
- Finance Committee
- Legislative Affairs and Advocacy Committee
Sits as a non-voting advisor for the following ASI Standing Committees
- Shared Governance Council
- Cabinet of Academic Senators
- Environmental Policy Committee
- Commitment to excellence and high standards
- Excellent written and oral communication skills
- Strong organizational, problem-solving, and analytical skills
- Ability to manage priorities and workflow
- Versatility, flexibility, and a willingness to work within constantly changing priorities with enthusiasm
- Acute attention to detail
- Demonstrated ability to plan and organize projects
- Ability to work independently and as a member of various teams and committees
- Ability to handle multiple projects and meet deadlines
- Creative, flexible, and innovative team player
- Ability to work on complex projects with general direction and minimal guidance
- Working knowledge and understanding of ASI policies and bylaws
All elected and appointed ASI student leaders receive a type of scholarship called the Grant in Aid (GIA). The GIA payments are distributed on a set schedule each semester. To earn the full GIA payment, student leaders are required to submit bi-weekly reports of their accomplishments and activities pertaining to their position. Failure to turn in bi-weekly reports results in a reduction of the GIA payment.
Chief of Staff
Reports To: ASI President
Advised by: Executive Director or designee
The Chief of Staff serves as an executive officer in the Associated Students, Incorporated (ASI) and serves as a voting member of the Board of Directors (BOD). The Chief of Staff assists the President in leading the team of student leaders, provides clear communication, and works to unite ASI with other departments and the University Administration. This position is responsible for managing the accountability process and Grant-in-Aid payments to all elected and appointed ASI members. The Chief of Staff manages the minutes of the ASI Board of Directors and catalogues ASI public documents and articles, with support from the ASI staff.
- One-on-one meetings with ASI President, ASI Executive Director or designee
- One-on-one meetings with the college representatives
- Minimum requirements for student leaders - https://asicalstatela.org/get-involved/apply-position/basic-eligibility-requirements
- Are not allowed to participate in study abroad during their term and cannot be unreachable by phone or email for more than 10 consecutive working days at a time (including breaks)
- ASI officer duties begin in June and requires attendance at meetings and training throughout the summer
- ASI executive officers are required to chair ASI committees and serve as student representatives on various University committees (see details below) which requires several hours each week
- Schedule four “engagement hours” each week that may include meeting with students, faculty, staff, working events, or making presentations about ASI
- All ASI student leaders must check email daily and be reachable by phone during business hours throughout their term in office
The term in office is one academic year beginning June 1 and ending May
31. Student leaders are expected to be available throughout the summer for required training and
preparation for the year. ASI executive officer positions are essential roles in the direction and
financial oversight of ASI and are required to be available to respond to business matters every day
ASI is open, which includes breaks when the campus is open as well as some weekends.
In addition to meeting and maintaining Cal State LA academic standards, the following reflects ASI’s definition of essential functions for this position. This does not restrict the tasks that may be assigned or expected, as ASI's Board of Directors may delegate additional duties and responsibilities at any time, due to reasonable accommodation or refocus.
- Attends all ASI Board Meetings and steps in as Chair if the President is not able to preside over the meeting
- Shall serve as the ASI President's primary liaison/designee unless otherwise assigned by the ASI President
- Ensures the accuracy of the BOD minutes prior to submission for approval by the BOD
- Oversees accountability and quality control of ASI BOD Appointment & Interview Process and committee appointments
Accountability Oversight:
- Monitor and evaluate the performance of board members and organizational units.
- Alongside the ASI President, develop and implement policies to ensure accountability and compliance with ASI Policy.
Performance Management:
- Identify performance issues and areas for improvement within the Board.
- Collaborate with the ASI President to address performance concerns through structured feedback and support.
Issuance of Performance Warning Letters:
- Draft performance warning letters for board members exhibiting non-compliance or performance concerns.
- Review and refine the content of warning letters with the ASI President to ensure clarity and consistency.
- Deliver warning letters to the relevant board members, ensuring all communications are documented and retained for records.
Collaboration with the ASI President:
- Work closely with the ASI President to align strategies for performance management and accountability.
- Attend regular meetings with the ASI President to discuss ongoing performance issues and develop action plans.
- Support the ASI President in communicating performance expectations and consequences to the board.
Reporting and Documentation:
- Maintain accurate and confidential records of all performance warning letters and related communications.
- Prepare regular reports on accountability and performance management activities for review by the ASI President and the Board of Directors.
- Ensure that all documentation complies with ASI Policy and legal requirements, in collaboration with ASI staff.
- Keeps a catalogue of all newspaper articles and pictures relating to the ASI and compile files of all ASI BOD events and activities
- Distributes and posts meeting agendas and minutes as required under the Gloria Romero Open Meetings Act of 2000
- Forwards resolutions that have been signed by the ASI President to all parties addressed
- Processes Grant-In-Aid requests with review and approval from the appropriate Executive Cabinet members
- Keeps official record of the attendance of ASI members for all required committee meetings to ensure accountability
- Serves as the Chair of the ASI Personnel Committee that meets monthly
Serves as the Vice Chair of the Board of Directors (BOD) and recording Secretary. The purpose and
function of the BOD shall be to act as a governing body for ASI, be a steward to the student funds,
and serve as a learning laboratory for student leadership. For more information about the BOD
https://asicalstatela.org/committee/asi-board-directors -
Voting member of the Executive Committee and coordinates the information, programs, projects, and
problems to be considered by the ASI BOD. This body shall also provide general policy guidelines,
and make specific policy decisions, in place of the entire BOD only when the BOD cannot be called
together to act on an emergency matter. For more information about the Executive Committee
https://asicalstatela.org/committee/executive-committee - Voting member of the Finance Committee
- Voting member of the Cabinet of College Representatives
- Commitment to excellence and high standards
- Excellent written and oral communication skills
- Strong organizational, problem-solving, and analytical skills
- • Ability to manage priorities and workflow
- Versatility, flexibility, and a willingness to work within constantly changing priorities with enthusiasm
- Acute attention to detail
- Demonstrated ability to plan and organize projects
- Ability to work independently and as a member of various teams and committees
- Ability to handle multiple projects and meet deadlines
- Creative, flexible, and innovative team player
- Ability to work on complex projects with general direction and minimal guidance
- Working knowledge and understanding of ASI policies and bylaws
All elected and appointed ASI student leaders receive a type of
scholarship called the Grant in Aid (GIA). The GIA payments are distributed on a set schedule each
semester. To earn the full GIA payment, student leaders are required to submit bi-weekly reports of
their accomplishments and activities pertaining to their position. Failure to turn in bi-weekly
reports results in a deduction of the GIA payment.
ASI Vice President for Community Engagement
Reports To: ASI President
Advised by: Program Coordinator and Executive Director
The Vice President for Community Engagement (VPCE) coordinates the student engagement activities of Associated Students, Incorporated (ASI) and Chairs the Community Engagement and Outreach (CEO) Committee, which plans and executes a wide range of events and programs for students that include issues related to sustainability on campus, student housing, student veteran support, spirit initiatives, and ASI elections. The VPCE has the power to recommend various commissioners for appointment, with final approval by the Board of Directors.
- One-on-one meetings with ASI President, ASI Executive Director, and Program Coordinator
- One-on-one meetings with the Commissioners
- Minimum requirements for student leaders - https://asicalstatela.org/get-involved/apply-position/basic-eligibility-requirements
- Are not allowed to participate in study abroad during their term and cannot be unreachable by phone or email for more than 1 week at a time
- ASI officer duties begin in June and requires attendance at meetings and training throughout the summer
- ASI executive officers are required to chair ASI committees and serve as student representatives on various University committees (see details below) which requires several hours each week
- Hold regular office hours to be available for the student body to meet and express concerns and to meet with ASI staff on programmatic logistics
- Engage with students weekly through events, programs, and presentations
- All ASI student leaders must check email daily and be reachable by phone during business hours throughout their term in office.
The term in office is one academic year beginning June 1 and ending May 31. Student leaders are expected to be available throughout the summer for required training and preparation for the year ASI executive officer positions are essential roles in the direction and financial oversight of ASI and are required to be available to respond to business matters every day ASI is open, which includes breaks when the campus is open as well as some weekends.
In addition to meeting and maintaining Cal State LA academic standards, the following reflects ASI’s
definition of essential functions for this position. This does not restrict the tasks that may be
assigned or expected, as ASI's Board of Directors may delegate additional duties and
responsibilities at any time, due to reasonable accommodation or refocus.
- Plans, coordinates, and executes events that foster belonging, community, and campus pride
- Coordinates marketing and outreach activities in collaboration with the Director of Graphic Design and Marketing and the Screaming Eagles team
- Providing the ASI Administrative Coordinator with all original CEO minutes
- Assists the Engagement Commissioner planning and executing campus-wide spirit initiatives
- Interviews and recommends candidates for the Engagement Commissioner to the ASI Board of Directors for appointment, official attendance, or dismissal
- Represents ASI on University committees
- Serve as the Chair of the Community Engagement and Outreach (CEO) Committee which coordinates, plans, and is responsible for the activities as the programmatic group of ASI. In addition, CEO provides a number of social and educational programs for the Cal State LA community.
- Serve as a voting member of ASI Board of Directors, Executive Cabinet, Personnel Committee, and Finance Committee.
- Commitment to excellence and high standards
- Excellent written and oral communication skills
- Strong organizational, problem-solving, and analytical skills
- Ability to manage priorities and workflow
- Versatility, flexibility, and a willingness to work within constantly changing priorities with enthusiasm
- Acute attention to detail
- Demonstrated ability to plan and organize projects
- Ability to work independently and as a member of various teams and committees
- Ability to handle multiple projects and meet deadlines
- Creative, flexible, and innovative team player
- Ability to work on complex projects with general direction and minimal guidance
- Working knowledge and understanding of ASI policies and bylaws
All elected and appointed ASI student leaders receive a type of scholarship called the Grant in Aid
(GIA). The GIA payments are distributed on a set schedule each semester. To earn the full GIA
payment, student leaders are required to submit bi-weekly reports of their accomplishments and
activities pertaining to their position. Failure to turn in bi-weekly reports results in a deduction
of the GIA payment.
ASI Vice President for University Affairs
Reports To: ASI President
Advised by: Executive Director
The Vice President for University Affairs (VPUA) manages the recruitment
and supports the students
sitting on Associated Students, Incorporated (ASI) and University Committees. When student
applications are submitted, the VPUA conducts interviews and makes recommendations for
committee appointments to the ASI Board of Directors. All committee members provide written
reports to the VPUA for weekly processing. Additionally, the VPUA maintains the catalogue of ASI
and University committees. The VPUA serves as the liaison to the Student Senators who serve on the
Academic Senate and Chairs the Cabinet of Academic Senators (CAS) meetings where Senate
matters are discussed.
- One-on-one meetings with ASI President, ASI Executive Director
- One-on-one meetings with the Academic Senators (6)
- Interviews all applicants for ASI and University committees and makes recommendations for appointments
- Minimum requirements for student leaders - https://asicalstatela.org/get-involved/apply-position/basic-eligibility-requirements
- Not allowed to participate in study abroad during their term and cannot be unreachable by phone or email for more than 1 week at a time
- ASI officer duties begin in June and requires attendance at meetings and training throughout the summer
- ASI executive officers are required to chair ASI committees and serve as student representatives on various University committees (see details below) which requires several hours each week
- Hold regular office hours to be available for the student body to meet and express concerns and meet with ASI staff to oversee the committee appointment procedures
- Engage with students weekly through events, programs, and presentations
- All ASI student leaders must check email daily and be reachable by phone during business hours throughout their term in office.
The term in office is one academic year beginning June 1 and ending May
31. Student leaders are expected to be available throughout the summer for required training and
preparation for the year. ASI executive officer positions are essential roles in the direction and
financial oversight of ASI and are required to be available to respond to business matters every day
ASI is open, which includes breaks when the campus is open as well as some weekends.
In addition to meeting and maintaining Cal State LA academic standards, the following reflects ASI’s
definition of essential functions for this position. This does not restrict the tasks that may be
assigned or expected, as ASI's Board of Directors may delegate additional duties and
responsibilities at any time, due to reasonable accommodation or refocus.
- Interviews and appoints students to University-wide committees and Academic Senate committees and informs the BOD of all appointments
- Represents ASI along with the President, at University committee relating to University Affairs
- Submits proposals to the CAS, SGC and the BOD to initiate reforms in the area of University Affairs
- Reports to CAS, SGC and the BOD on changes or proposed changes in academic or administrative procedures on campus including information from the Academic Senate
- May be invited to meet with the Executive Committee of the Academic Senate as a non-voting member
- Coordinates the assignment of Senators to the academic senate committees
Actively recruits students to Academic Senate, College Specific and University-Wide Committees alongside the Academic Senators and College Representatives.
Reviews and submits the bi-weekly reports of the Academic Senators to the ASI Chief of Staff
Establishes a line of communication for themself and the ASI Senators between the Provost, Vice President of Academic Affairs, Dean of Undergraduate Students, Dean of Graduate Students, Chairs of the Academic Senate committees and subcommittees, etc. (preferably in the summer).
At the end of each semester, the Vice President for Academic Governance shall submit a list of student committee members to the appropriate chair for verification of their participation. After verification, a list of students who attended at least 70% of their committee meetings will be forwarded to the Vice President for Student Life for final recording.
Academic Senate Handbook
- Serves as a voting member of the ASI Board of Directors
Serve as the Chair of the Cabinet of Senators (CAS), that coordinates,
plans, and is responsible for the actions of the academic governance unit of ASI. CAS meets with
the Academic Senate (governed by faculty) to actively engage in the process of shared governance
of the university. For more information about the CAS and their scheduled meeting times
Academic Senators Committees -
Serve as Chair of the Shared Governance Council. The council reviews,
researches and makes recommendations on academic and administrative policy affecting students.
This body also develops formal responses to be published via resolutions, white papers, student
impact statements, etc. Additionally, the council works with appropriate areas in order to
ensure that genuine Shared Governance is upheld between students, faculty, and administration.
For more information about the Shared Governance Council visit:
Shared Governance Council -
Attend as guest the Cal State LA Academic Senate meetings. For more
information about the Academic Senate and their scheduled meeting times
Academic Senate - Voting member of the ASI Personnel Committee, Finance Committee, Legislative Affairs and Advocacy Committee, and Executive Cabinet
- Commitment to excellence and high standards
- Excellent written and oral communication skills
- Strong organizational, problem-solving, and analytical skills
- Ability to manage priorities and workflow
- Versatility, flexibility, and a willingness to work within constantly changing priorities with enthusiasm
- Acute attention to detail
- Demonstrated ability to plan and organize projects
- Ability to work independently and as a member of various teams and committees
- Ability to handle multiple projects and meet deadlines
- Creative, flexible, and innovative team player
- Ability to work on complex projects with general direction and minimal guidance
- Working knowledge and understanding of ASI policies and bylaws
All elected and appointed ASI student leaders receive a type of scholarship called the Grant in Aid
(GIA). The GIA payments are distributed on a set schedule each semester. To earn the full GIA
payment, student leaders are required to submit bi-weekly reports of their accomplishments and
activities pertaining to their position. Failure to turn in bi-weekly reports results in a deduction
of the GIA payment.
ASI Vice President for External Affairs
Reports To: ASI President
Advised by: Executive Director and Program Coordinator
The Vice President for External Affairs (VPEA) serves as an executive officer on the Associated Students, Incorporated (ASI) Board of Directors (BOD) and is responsible for serving as one of two primary representatives for ASI to the California State Students Association (CSSA). The VPEA serves as a conduit of information from various boards, commissions, and other policymaking groups of the California State University, the State of California, and local entities, to inform ASI and the student body about issues that concern Cal State LA students.
- One-on-one meetings with ASI President, ASI Executive Director
- One-on-one meetings with the Civic Engagement Officer and Diversity and Inclusion Officer, as well as the Lobby Corps
- Serve as the voting member on behalf of ASI to the California State Student Association (CSSA) and attend monthly plenary meetings that may require travel to different parts of the State
- Minimum requirements for student leaders - https://asicalstatela.org/get-involved/apply-position/basic-eligibility-requirements
- Are not allowed to participate in study abroad during their term and cannot be unreachable by phone or email for more than 1 week at a time
- ASI officer duties begin in June and requires attendance at meetings and training throughout the summer
- ASI executive officers are required to chair ASI committees and serve as student representatives on various University committees (see details below) which requires several hours each week
- Hold regular office hours to be available for the student body to meet and express concerns and meet with ASI staff about events, CSSA, and advocacy efforts
- All ASI student leaders must check email daily and be reachable by phone during business hours throughout their term in office.
The term in office is one academic year beginning June 1 and ending May 31. Student leaders
are expected to be available throughout the summer for required training and preparation for the
In addition to meeting and maintaining Cal State LA academic standards, the following reflects ASI’s
definition of essential functions for this position. This does not restrict the tasks that may be
assigned or expected, as ASI's Board of Directors may delegate additional duties and
responsibilities at any time, due to reasonable accommodation or refocus.
- Serves as the voting member for ASI and attends all meetings of the California State Student Association (CSSA), the State-wide student government association for the CSU, which includes travel throughout the State
- Attends and organizes participation for other ASI student leaders in the annual CSSA California Higher Education Student Summit (CHESS)
- Provides monthly reports to the BOD on CSSA, state and national issues, as well as legislative issues affecting students at Cal State LA
- Provides the ASI Administrative Coordinator with all original minutes from all Legislative Affairs and Advocacy Committee meetings
- Coordinates a voter registration drive though out the fall for November elections
- Conducts research regarding legislative action and campus opinions
- Establishes contact with all appropriate representatives through written and personal communication for the purpose of conveying student concerns and obtaining information on relevant legislative issues
- May coordinate meetings with legislators in the State Assembly and the Senate on issues that concern students at Cal State LA
- Acts as a legislative liaison to the media, and provides all relevant policy resource materials to the student body
Serves as Chair of the Legislative Affairs & Advocacy Committee
(LAAC). The committee reviews,
researches and makes recommendations on legislation at the local and state level. Additionally,
this body
creates a public policy priority list and recommends action to the BOD. The committee creates a
plan to
manage the ASI Legislative Agenda and coordinates the ASI Lobby Corps efforts. For more
about the LAAC visit:
https://asicalstatela.org/committee/legislative-affairs-advocacy-committee -
Serves as the Chair of ASI Lobby Corps, which is a network of
organized students from across the CSU system charged with maintaining student representation
and advocacy in the State Legislature and at CSU Board of Trustees meetings. The Lobby Corps is
responsible for disseminating information to students and coordinating its efforts with the
California State Student Association (CSSA) and provides students with the necessary skills,
knowledge and experience to advocate for students issues on campus and at the local, state, and
national level. For more information about Lobby Corps visit:
https://asicalstatela.org/get-involved/shared-governance/asi-lobby-corps - Voting member of the ASI Board of Directors
- Attends monthly CSSA Plenary meetings and serves on CSSA committees that require additional meetings, such as Systemwide Affairs and Legislative Affairs
- Voting member of the ASI Executive Cabinet, Personnel Committee, and Finance Committee
- Commitment to excellence and high standards
- Excellent written and oral communication skills
- Strong organizational, problem-solving, and analytical skills
- Ability to manage priorities and workflow
- Versatility, flexibility, and a willingness to work within constantly changing priorities with enthusiasm
- Acute attention to detail
- Demonstrated ability to plan and organize projects
- Ability to work independently and as a member of various teams and committees
- Ability to handle multiple projects and meet deadlines
- Creative, flexible, and innovative team player
- Ability to work on complex projects with general direction and minimal guidance
- Working knowledge and understanding of ASI policies and bylaws
All elected and appointed ASI student leaders receive a type of scholarship called the Grant in Aid (GIA). The GIA payments are distributed on a set schedule each semester. To earn the full GIA payment, student leaders are required to submit bi-weekly reports of their accomplishments and activities pertaining to their position. Failure to turn in bi-weekly reports results in a reduction of the GIA payment.
ASI Vice President for Finance
Reports To: ASI President
Advised by: ASI Associate Executive Director and Executive Director
The Vice President for Finance (VPF) coordinates the activities of Associated Students, Incorporated (ASI) finance units and presides over the ASI Finance Committee as Chair. The VPF works with the ASI staff to propose the annual budget and quarterly revisions and serves as an authorized signer for expenses, as outlined in ASI policy. The VPF supports the allocation of funds to registered student organizations on campus. Essential to the position is the understanding and enforcement of ASI’s financial policies and the education of other ASI members and clubs on those policies. Additionally, with the support of the Finance committee, the VPF manages the funding applications from clubs and meets with clubs to help educate them on the funding policies and procedures.
- One-on-one meetings with ASI President, ASI Associate Executive Director or Executive Director
- Minimum requirements for student leaders - https://asicalstatela.org/get-involved/apply-position/basic-eligibility-requirements
- Are not allowed to participate in study abroad during their term and cannot be unreachable by phone or email for more than 1 week at a time
- ASI officer duties begin in June and requires attendance at meetings and training throughout the summer
- ASI executive officers are required to chair ASI committees and serve as student representatives on various University committees (see details below) which requires several hours each week
- Hold regular office hours to be available for the student body to meet and express concerns and work with ASI staff on financial matters
- Engage with students weekly through events, programs, and presentations
- All ASI student leaders must check email daily and be reachable by phone during business hours throughout their term in office.
The term in office is one academic year beginning June 1 and ending May 31. Student leaders are expected to be available throughout the summer for required training and preparation for the year. ASI executive officer positions are essential roles in the direction and financial oversight of ASI and are required to be available to respond to business matters every day ASI is open, which includes breaks when the campus is open as well as some weekends.
In addition to meeting and maintaining Cal State LA academic standards, the following reflects ASI’s definition of essential functions for this position. This does not restrict the tasks that may be assigned or expected, as ASI's Board of Directors may delegate additional duties and responsibilities at any time, due to reasonable accommodation or refocus.
- Provides the BOD with an accurate accounting of balances, reserves, and allowances at each meeting
Has a detailed understanding of all ASI Finance Policies &
https://asicalstatela.org/student-government/bylaws-operating-procedures/administrative-manual-governing-documents/finance - Maintains an accurate list of funding received by the Finance Committee
- In collaboration with the ASI Executive Director and AED, provides recommended quarterly budget revisions (3/9, 6/6, 9/3) to the BOD
- Serves as an authorized signer on financial transactions, as articulated in ASI policy
- Works with the ASI ED and AED to develop and present the annual and quarterly budget revisions for ASI to the BOD for approval
- Implements the financial policies of ASI as approved by BOD
- Reviews and submits qualified Registered Student Organization funding proposals to the Finance Committee for consideration
- Serves as the point of contact for registered student organizations and actively engages in outreach and communication to build a strong working relationship with club leaders throughout the year
- Provides the ASI Administrative Coordinator with all original minutes on a bi-weekly basis
- Reports all financial recommendations of the ASI Finance Committee to the BOD
Serve as the Chair of the ASI Finance Committee. The Finance
Committees acts on
behalf of the BOD in
all matters pertaining to income appropriation, and the safeguarding of Associated Students,
Inc. funds.
The Finance Committee makes recommendations to the Board of Directors regarding allocation of
The committee also prepares an annual budget which must be submitted to the Associated Students,
BOD in sufficient time for review and approval. The Finance Committee also has the
responsibility for
recommending the most appropriate investments. More information about the Finance Committee can
be found at:
https://asicalstatela.org/committee/asi-funding-sub-committee - Voting member of BOD and attends all ASI Board Meetings
- Voting member of the Executive Cabinet and Personnel Committee
- Commitment to excellence and high standards
- Excellent written and oral communication skills
- Strong organizational, problem-solving, and analytical skills
- Ability to manage priorities and workflow
- Versatility, flexibility, and a willingness to work within constantly changing priorities with enthusiasm
- Acute attention to detail
- Demonstrated ability to plan and organize projects
- Ability to work independently and as a member of various teams and committees
- Ability to handle multiple projects and meet deadlines
- Creative, flexible, and innovative team player
- Ability to work on complex projects with general direction and minimal guidance
- Working knowledge and understanding of ASI policies and bylaws
All elected and appointed ASI student leaders receive a type of scholarship called the Grant in Aid (GIA). The GIA payments are distributed on a set schedule each semester. To earn the full GIA payment, student leaders are required to submit bi-weekly reports of their accomplishments and activities pertaining to their position. Failure to turn in bi-weekly reports results in a deduction of the GIA payment.
College Representatives
Reports To: ASI President
Advised by: ASI Program Coordinator and Executive Director
The College Representatives serve on the ASI Board of Directors (BOD) to voice the concerns and represent the needs of each of the academic colleges. One student is elected for each of the seven colleges; however, the Representatives work collaboratively as well to serve the broader student population. The College Representatives sit on standing committees in ASI and often serve as student representatives on various University-wide committees. Working with their College administrators, ASI representatives plan events and create opportunities to connect with the students in their discipline in order to establish strong lines of communication between the student body and campus leadership.
- One-on-one meetings with ASI President and advising meetings with ASI Executive Director (designee)
- Minimum requirements for student leaders - https://asicalstatela.org/get-involved/apply-position/basic-eligibility-requirements
- Are not allowed to participate in study abroad during their term and cannot be unreachable by phone or email for more than 10 consecutive working days at a time (including breaks)
- Submit a state of affairs report to the BOD in accordance with the Code of Procedures
- ASI officer duties begin June 1 and requires attendance at meetings and training throughout the summer
- Schedule four “engagement hours” each week that may include meeting with students, faculty, staff, working events, or making presentations about ASI
- All ASI student leaders must check email daily and be reachable by phone during business hours throughout their term in office.
The term in office is one academic year beginning June 1 and ending May 31. Student leaders are expected to be available throughout the summer for required training and preparation for the year. ASI Board member positions are essential roles in the direction and financial oversight of ASI and are required to be available to respond to business matters every day ASI is open, which includes breaks when the campus is open as well as some weekends.
In addition to meeting and maintaining Cal State LA academic standards, the following reflects ASI’s definition of essential functions for this position. This does not restrict the tasks that may be assigned or expected, as ASI's Board of Directors may delegate additional duties and responsibilities at any time, due to reasonable accommodation or refocus.
- The College Representatives shall report at the BOD meeting on the state of their college and the needs of their constituency.
- Serve as official representatives of their respective colleges.
- Actively seek the opinions, needs, and desires of their constituents (e.g. through college council meetings, interactive forums, other programs, surveys, and one-on-one conversations).
- Maintain strong communication and build relationships with the college dean and/or associate deans, department chairs, and faculty.
- Assess and maintain an archive of the constituents’ opinions, needs, desires, as well as the college’s goals and challenges for the year. This report should be presented along with the State of Affairs report.
- Serve on designated college-specific committee(s) to represent student voice in the college shared-governance process.
- Present to the BOD for consideration, measures which might serve to resolve student-related problems encountered by their constituents.
- Attend ASI outreach events to publicize ASI programs and services
- Perform any other responsibilities that may be delegated by the BOD.
- Voting member and required to attend all BOD meetings
- Voting member and required to attend all ASI Cabinet of College Representatives meetings. One College Rep will be appointed to serve as the chair of the CCR and will sit on the ASI Executive Committee.
- Required to join two additional ASI standing committees:
- Executive
- Personnel
- Finance
- Legislative Affairs
- Community Engagement and Outreach (CEO)
- Environmental Policy Committee (EPC)
- Commitment to excellence and high standards
- Excellent written and oral communication skills
- Strong organizational, problem-solving, and analytical skills
- Ability to manage priorities and workflow
- Versatility, flexibility, and a willingness to work within constantly changing priorities with enthusiasm
- Acute attention to detail
- Demonstrated ability to plan and organize projects
- Ability to work independently and as a member of various teams and committees
- Ability to handle multiple projects and meet deadlines
- Creative, flexible, and innovative team player
- Ability to work on complex projects with general direction and minimal guidance
- Working knowledge and understanding of ASI policies and bylaws
All elected and appointed ASI student leaders receive a type of scholarship called the Grant in Aid (GIA). The GIA payments are distributed on a set schedule each semester. To earn the full GIA payment, student leaders are required to submit bi-weekly reports of their accomplishments and activities pertaining to their position. Failure to turn in bi-weekly reports results in a reduction of the GIA payment.
Diversity and Inclusion Officers
Advised by: ASI Executive Director
There are two Representatives At-Large who serve on the ASI Board of Directors (BOD), the Diversity and Inclusion Officer and the Civic Engagement Officer. These two positions were created to focus on specific aspects of ASI’s mission to serve the diverse student body of Cal State LA by ensuring ASI’s events and services are inclusive, and that ASI serves as the primary advocates for student needs on campus.
- One-on-one meetings with ASI President and advising meetings with ASI Executive Director (designee)
- Minimum requirements for student leaders - https://asicalstatela.org/get-involved/apply-position/basic-eligibility-requirements
- Are not allowed to participate in study abroad during their term and cannot be unreachable by phone or email for more than 10 consecutive working days at a time (including breaks)
- Submit a state of affairs report to the BOD in accordance with the Code of Procedures
- ASI officer duties begin June 1 and requires attendance at meetings and training throughout the summer
- Schedule four (4) “engagement hours” each week that may include meeting with students, faculty, staff, working events, or making presentations about ASI
- All ASI student leaders must check email daily and be reachable by phone or other messaging system during business hours throughout their term in office.
The term in office is one academic year beginning June 1 and ending May 31. Student leaders are expected to be available throughout the summer for required training and preparation for the year. ASI Board positions are essential roles in the direction and financial oversight of ASI and are required to be available to respond to business matters every day ASI is open, which includes breaks when the campus is open as well as some weekends.
In addition to meeting and maintaining Cal State LA academic standards, the following reflects ASI’s definition of essential functions for this position. This does not restrict the tasks that may be assigned or expected, as ASI's Board of Directors may delegate additional duties and responsibilities at any time, due to reasonable accommodation or refocus.
Diversity and Inclusion Officer
- Serve as ASI’s liaison to university departments that support students such as Dreamers Resource Center, Veterans Resource Center, Project Rebound, Office for Students with Disabilities, Cross Cultural Centers, etc. and meets with each department monthly to provide and share updates
- Collaborate with departments and affinity groups on campus to coordinate events and programs that build community, foster belonging initiatives, and improve Cal State LA’s campus climate to proactively achieve inclusivity
- Work with all ASI leaders to align ASI’s programs and services with inclusive practices
- Report to the BOD on diversity and inclusion issues relating to Cal State LA students
- Create initiatives that amplify traditionally marginalized voices and others leading development that incorporates social change and justice
- Work with all appropriate university departments to ensure that through transformative learning and engagement, students will experience expanded viewpoints, lessened fear, and increased openness
- Promote efforts that make all students feel welcome and diminish sentiments that impact learning
- Be knowledgeable on Title IX, ADA/504, and Safe Zones to disseminate this information to students and inform ASI’s practices
- Work to establish an open and aware community where students understand that people come from diverse backgrounds and to respect and celebrate the differences in people
- Create identity building and hope to experience true meaning-making within a transformative community
- Represent the interests of student veterans or military connected students through close partnership with the Veteran Resource Center
- Support student veteran services and promote involvement opportunities to student veterans
- Voting member and required to attend all BOD meetings
- Voting member and required to attend all ASI Legislative Affairs Committee meetings
- Voting member and required to attend the Community Engagement and Outreach committee (CEO) meetings
- Commitment to excellence and high standards
- Excellent written and oral communication skills
- Strong organizational, problem-solving, and analytical skills
- Ability to manage priorities and workflow
- Versatility, flexibility, and a willingness to work within constantly changing priorities with enthusiasm
- Acute attention to detail
- Demonstrated ability to plan and organize projects
- Ability to work independently and as a member of various teams and committees
- Ability to handle multiple projects and meet deadlines
- Creative, flexible, and innovative team player
- Ability to work on complex projects with general direction and minimal guidance
- Working knowledge and understanding of ASI policies and bylaws
All elected and appointed ASI student leaders receive a type of scholarship called the Grant in Aid (GIA). The GIA payments are distributed on a set schedule each semester. To earn the full GIA payment, student leaders are required to submit bi-weekly reports of their accomplishments and activities pertaining to their position. Failure to turn in bi-weekly reports results in a deduction of the GIA payment.
Civic Engagement Officers
REPORTS TO: ASI Vice President for External Affairs
Advised by: ASI Program Coordinator and Executive Director
There are two Representatives At-Large who serve on the ASI Board of Directors (BOD), the Diversity and Inclusion Officer and the Civic Engagement Officer. These two positions are created to focus on specific aspects of ASI’s mission to serve the diverse student body of Cal State LA by ensuring ASI’s events and services are inclusive, and that ASI serves as the primary advocates for student needs on campus.
- One-on-one meetings with ASI VP for External Affairs and advising meetings with ASI Executive Director (designee)
- Minimum requirements for student leaders - https://asicalstatela.org/get-involved/apply-position/basic-eligibility-requirements
- Are not allowed to participate in study abroad during their term and cannot be unreachable by phone or email for more than 10 consecutive working days at a time (including breaks)
- Submit a state of affairs report to the BOD in accordance with the Code of Procedures
- ASI officer duties begin June 1 and requires attendance at meetings and training throughout the summer
- Schedule four (4) “engagement hours” each week that may include meeting with students, faculty, staff, working events, or making presentations about ASI
- All ASI student leaders must check email daily and be reachable by phone or other messaging system during business hours throughout their term in office.
The term in office is one academic year beginning June 1 and ending May 31. Student leaders are expected to be available throughout the summer for required training and preparation for the year. ASI Board positions are essential roles in the direction and financial oversight of ASI and are required to be available to respond to business matters every day ASI is open, which includes breaks when the campus is open as well as some weekends.
In addition to meeting and maintaining Cal State LA academic standards, the following reflects ASI’s definition of essential functions for this position. This does not restrict the tasks that may be assigned or expected, as ASI's Board of Directors may delegate additional duties and responsibilities at any time, due to reasonable accommodation or refocus.
Civic Engagement Officer
- Serve as ASI’s liaison to the Student Health Advisory Committee, Pat Brown Institute, the Center for Engagement, Service, and the Public Good, and the Associate Director of Government and Community Relations.
- Report at the BOD on legislation or issues relating to Cal State LA students
- Manage the development and implementation of ASI’s civic and voter engagement program, including voter registration, non-partisan voter education, and distribution of information about ballot measures
- Work with the Center for Engagement, Service, and the Public Good to create and/or promote local service-learning opportunities for Cal State LA students
- Build innovative programs that develop and sustain new leaders and activists
- Brief the BOD and the student population at large about problems and resources of the Los Angeles community that pertain to students on campus
- Promote new avenues of thinking about participatory democracy and governance
- Work with ASI’s standing committees to host workshops, seminars, and town hall meetings to promote deliberate dialogue on issues of importance to Cal State LA students
- Be responsible for establishing communication links/community resources with appropriate organizations
- Chairs the Environmental Policy Committee (EPC), a standing committee of ASI established to guide the organization’s efforts to educate campus on sustainable practices and guide ASI’s practices to be environmentally friendly
- Reports actions and recommendations of EPC to the Executive Cabinet and/or BOD
- Provides direction and content for a strategic marketing plan for promoting ASI sustainability initiatives
- Develops programs that create awareness around environmental issues
- Meets with the VPA to discuss environmental issues on campus and within the CSU System
- Serves on and recruits for the Cal State LA Campus Sustainability Committee Acts as liaison between the campus and the CSU System, in terms of advocating for sustainability
- Chair of the ASI Environmental Policy Committee (EPC)
- Voting member and required to attend all BOD meetings
- Voting member and required to attend all ASI Legislative Affairs Committee meetings
- Voting member and required to attend all Community Engagement and Outreach Committee meetings
- Commitment to excellence and high standards
- Excellent written and oral communication skills
- Strong organizational, problem-solving, and analytical skills
- Ability to manage priorities and workflow
- Versatility, flexibility, and a willingness to work within constantly changing priorities with enthusiasm
- Acute attention to detail
- Demonstrated ability to plan and organize projects
- Ability to work independently and as a member of various teams and committees
- Ability to handle multiple projects and meet deadlines
- Creative, flexible, and innovative team player
- Ability to work on complex projects with general direction and minimal guidance
- Working knowledge and understanding of ASI policies and bylaws
All elected and appointed ASI student leaders receive a type of scholarship called the Grant in Aid (GIA). The GIA payments are distributed on a set schedule each semester. To earn the full GIA payment, student leaders are required to submit bi-weekly reports of their accomplishments and activities pertaining to their position. Failure to turn in bi-weekly reports results in a deduction of the GIA payment.
ASI Engagement Commissioner
REPORTS TO:ASI Vice President of Administration
Advised by: ASI Program Coordinator
- Commissioner shall have one-on-one meetings with the ASI Vice President for Administration (VPA) and Program Coordinator weekly
- Minimum requirements for student leaders - https://asicalstatela.org/get-involved/apply-position/basic-eligibility-requirements
- Not allowed to participate in study abroad during their term and cannot be unreachable by phone or email for more than 10 consecutive working days at a time (including breaks)
- ASI officer duties begin in June and requires attendance at meetings and training throughout the summer
- Student leaders are on break during academic holidays and campus closures but must check email daily and be reachable by phone year-round during their term in office.
The term in office is one academic year beginning June 1 and ending May 31. Student leaders are expected to be available throughout the summer for required training and preparation for the year.
- Responsible for the creative direction and planning of events that foster campus community, builds school spirit, and creates opportunities for belonging
- Supports the recruitment of volunteers for the Screaming Eagles program
- Organizes and coordinates school spirit initiatives and programs
- Initiates crowd participation at school athletic events
- Develops and implements a schedule of spirit programs to be approved by the ASI CEO Committee
- Meets with the Athletics to ensure communication/collaboration between ASI and Athletics
- In collaboration with the Elections Committee (a joint team from ASI and U-SU), communicate all General Election involvement opportunities to the campus community
- Understand and uphold the guidelines and rules for the election as stated in the Election Code of Procedure (ASI policy 004)
- The Spirit Commissioner is ineligible to run for elected student leader positions in the year they serve in order to be impartial in the elections process
- Commitment to excellence and high standards
- Excellent written and oral communication skills
- Strong organizational, problem-solving, and analytical skills
- Ability to manage priorities and workflow
- Versatility, flexibility, and a willingness to work within constantly changing priorities with enthusiasm
- Acute attention to detail
- Demonstrated ability to plan and organize programs
- Ability to work independently and as a member of various teams and committees
- Ability to handle multiple projects and meet deadlines
- Creative, flexible, and innovative team player
- Ability to work on complex projects with general direction and minimal guidance
- Working knowledge and understanding of ASI and University policies
Serve as a voting member of the Community Engagement and Outreach Committee (CEO). The committee is charged to serve as ASI’s primary programming entity creating and coordinating a variety of events and activities that engage students in fun and meaningful ways with the purpose to create a strong campus community and foster a strong sense of belonging for Cal State LA students. The committee meets every other week to discuss events and allocate funding to ASI programs.
All elected and appointed ASI student leaders receive a type of scholarship called the Grant in Aid (GIA). The GIA payments are distributed on a set schedule each semester. To earn the full GIA payment, student leaders are required to submit bi-weekly reports of their accomplishments and activities pertaining to their position. Failure to turn in bi-weekly reports results in a reduction of the GIA payment.
Student Senators
Reports To: Chair of the Cal State LA Academic Senate
Advised by: ASI Vice President for Academic Governance and Executive Director
The Academic Senate at Cal State LA fosters faculty participation in university policy making. The Senate is a representative body that acts for the faculty, provides for faculty planning and consideration in the development of policy, and ensures regular communication between faculty and administration in policy matters. With a belief in the principles of shared governance, six students are included in the Academic Senate as full voting Senators. Senators serve on sub-committees of the Academic Senate and may be called to represent the Senate on other University committees as well.
Student Senators are not members of ASI leadership but are allied with ASI through the Cabinet of Academic Senators and though regular meetings with the ASI Vice President for Academic Governance. Student Senators work with ASI to broaden the reach of advocacy efforts to ensure that students interests are represented to the highest levels of the University administration. Student Senators are considered to be “major office holders,” as defined in CSU policy and ASI provides Grant-in-aid scholarships for their work as members of the Senate.
Additional information about the work and membership of the Academic Senate is provided on the Senate website - https://www.calstatela.edu/academicsenate
- One-on-one meetings with ASI Vice President for Academic Governance and advising meetings with ASI Executive Director (or designee)
- Minimum requirements for student leaders - https://asicalstatela.org/get-involved/apply-position/basic-eligibility-requirements
- Are not allowed to participate in study abroad during their term and cannot be unreachable by phone or email for more than 10 working days at a time
- Submit a state of affairs report to the BOD in accordance each semester to document their work as a Senator
- Student Senator duties begin August 1, with training occurring just before the start of the fall semester. Academic Senate and the sub-committees only meet during the academic year (Fall and Spring semesters).
- Student Senators must check email daily and be reachable by phone during business hours throughout their term in office.
The term in office is one academic year beginning August 1 and ending May 31. Student leaders are expected to be available in August for required training and preparation for the year.
In addition to meeting and maintaining Cal State LA academic standards, the following reflects some of the essential functions for this position. Additional duties for Senators may be found in the Senate Handbook
- All voting members of the Academic Senate and of its standing committees and subcommittees, both faculty and students, are expected to attend meetings regularly in order to fulfill the commitments of membership. If any voting members are absent from three consecutive meetings, they shall be replaced unless they are on approved leave or off campus for university related business. (Senate Handbook)
- Attend all Academic Senate meetings, which are held every other week for two hours
- Submit a state of affairs report to the ASI BOD each semester that documents the accomplishments of the individual Senator
- Actively seek the opinions, needs, and desires of their constituents (e.g. through college council meetings, interactive forums, other programs, surveys, and one-on-one conversations).
- Maintain strong communication and build relationships with the college dean and/or associate deans, department chairs, and faculty to advocate for student needs.
- Assess and maintain an archive of the constituents’ opinions, needs, desires, as well as the college’s goals and challenges for the year.
- Present to CAS measures which might serve to resolve student-related problems encountered by their constituents regarding instruction, curriculum, or academic policy.
- Attend outreach events to publicize Senator programs and gather feedback from students on academic issues
- A notation is made on the permanent record of every student member of an academic governance body for participation in academic governance, provided that the student so recognized has maintained a minimum of 70 percent attendance during each such appointment. Participation in academic governance is defined as membership in any recognized university, college, or department/division/school committee; college assembly; or the Academic Senate, its four standing committees, their subcommittees, or any ad hoc committee established by the Senate or the President.
- Perform any other responsibilities that may be delegated by the Academic Senate.
- Serve as a voting member of the Academic Senate
- Serve on two (2) sub committees of the Academic Senate
- Attend and serve as a voting member of the Cabinet of Academic Senators and Shared Governance Committee
- Commitment to excellence and high standards
- Excellent written and oral communication skills
- Strong organizational, problem-solving, and analytical skills
- Ability to manage priorities and workflow
- Versatility, flexibility, and a willingness to work within constantly changing priorities with enthusiasm
- Acute attention to detail
- Demonstrated ability to plan and organize projects
- Ability to work independently and as a member of various teams and committees
- Ability to handle multiple projects and meet deadlines
- Creative, flexible, and innovative team player
- Ability to work on complex projects with general direction and minimal guidance
- Working knowledge and understanding of ASI policies and bylaws
All elected and appointed ASI student leaders receive a type of scholarship called the Grant in Aid (GIA). The GIA payments are distributed on a set schedule each semester. To earn the full GIA payment, student leaders are required to submit bi-weekly reports of their accomplishments and activities pertaining to their position. Failure to turn in bi-weekly reports results in a deduction of the GIA payment.
U-SU Board of Directors
The University Student Union Board of Directors
The University-Student Union at Cal State LA was established in 1975 and provides a unique setting for the encouragement of broad social, cultural, recreational, and informal educational programming for the university and its surroundings. Through its facilities and programs, the U-SU becomes the focal point of the campus where students, administrators, alumni, faculty, staff, and guests can meet to interact and explore vital issues concerning the greater community.
U-SU Mission Statement:
With open doors and minds, we provide space and opportunities enabling Golden Eagles to Soar.
The U-SU is made up of the following departments:
- Administration
- Center for Student Involvement
- Cross Cultural Centers
- Graffix
- Operations
- Recreation
Visit the USU website for more information about the U-SU and the departments that are a part of it.
The U-SU Board of Directors
The U-SU Board of Directors is the oversight board for the U-SU comprised of student leaders who interact with campus faculty and staff to help provide direction of the U-SU and advocacy for students at Cal State LA.
The Board of Directors (BOD) has 8 student leaders and 8 faculty staff members who help shape policy, structure, and advocate for the U-SU across campus. The BOD is responsible for all financial & legal responsibility of running a non-profit organization.
8 students are elected to the BOD annually; positions may be available dependent on graduation or other factors impacting currently serving board members. The term of appointment is July 2022 through June 2023.
BOD members meet once per month on Fridays from 2-3pm as a Board and members serve on committees of the BOD.
The BOD has the following standing committees:
- Audit Committee -
- Fiscal Committee -
- Personnel Committee -
- Nominations Committee -
- The BOD may have special committees depending on the needs of the organization.
At the first Board meeting of the year, the BOD will elect a chair and a vice chair from among the student board members. The Chair of the BOD will work in tandem with the U-SU Executive Director to create the agendas for each meeting and will run the meetings each month. The Vice chair steps in when the Chair is absent.
Board Member Responsibilities
- Attend all BOD meetings and be prepared to participate
- Represent students by actively seeking out their opinions on U-SU programs, services, and building use
- Serve on BOD committees as assigned
- Stay informed about BOD and committee matters
- Serve as an ambassador to the U-SU, its programs, services, involvement, and employment opportunities
- Assist the Board with carrying out its fiduciary responsibilities
- Maintain a 2.0 grade point average each semester of your term
- Assist with the recruitment of new board members during Student Leader Elections and if there are vacancies
Benefits of Being a Board Member
- Leadership and Professional development opportunities
- Build your academic and professional resume
- Network with peers, faculty, and staff members who also serve on the BOD
- Influence the future of the U-SU, providing opinions on existing programs, services, and policies
- Opportunity to attend the Association of College Unions International (ACUI) regional conference
- Semesterly reimbursement for educational expenses
- $295 per semester for the BOD Chair
- $250 per semester for all other student directors