The opportunity to serve as a Student Committee Representative is a great experience. Your participation requires a commitment to attend meetings regularly and to submit reports on a periodic basis.

Below you can review and find the right committee for you along with the meeting dates and times that best fit your schedule.

For more information contact the ASI Vice President for Academic Governance!

External Committees

A&L Resource Allocation Advisory Committee

A&L Resource Allocation Advisory Committee

Meeting Time/Day: Once or twice during Spring Semester
Location: TBA

The College of Arts and Letters Resource Allocation Committe provides a basic level of review for the allocation of college resources while researching & analyzing college trends.

Alcohol and Drug Awareness Committee

Alcohol and Drug Awareness Committee

Meeting Time/Day: Meets as Needed

The University Alcohol and Drug Awareness Committee studies programs, recommends policy and serves as the principal advisory body to the President on matters pertaining to alcohol and other drug substance use awareness and education. The Committee will focus on goals and recommend programs and initiatives designed to promote alcohol education and comprehensive alcohol policies that are consistent with the mission of the University. The Committee will assess campus programs and review policies regularly to comply with federal and state laws.


  • Review,...
B&E Student Affairs Committee

B&E Student Affairs Committee

Meeting Time/Day: 2nd & 4th Wednesday @ 2 pm
Location: TBA

Chair: Pending

Executive Secretary: Pending


a. Evaluate and recommend policies regarding advisement of all students.

b. Evaluate and recommend policies regarding placement of all students.

c. Encourage programs and develop sources of financial aid and scholarship funds.

d. Select recipients for College-wide Undergraduate and Graduate student awards, grants, or scholarships

e. Provide for the coordination of effort with...

Cal State LA Council on International Programs

Cal State LA Council on International Programs

Meeting Time/Day: Meets as needed

The Charge to the Council consists of the following functions:

Participate in developing strategic goals and objectives for the University's international programs and monitoring progress in achieving them.

Present faculty views on matters concerning international programs, and assist in promoting faculty and administrative support on behalf of specific international efforts.

Facilitate coordination and help promote inter-College and all-University projects that enhance the University's international programs.

Advise the Academic Senate...

Educational Effectiveness and Assessment Council
Enrollment Management Steering Committee
Fiscal Policy Committee

Fiscal Policy Committee

Meeting Time/Day: 2nd and 4th week; Thursdays, 9:25 am-10:40 am

Chair: Jamil Momand

Executive Secretary: Laila Asgari

The Fiscal Policy Committee has the following responsibilities:

  • To provide recommendations through Senate channels regarding areas that may warrant emphasis in the budget planning and allocation process.
  • To review the President's annual budget initiation memorandum prior to the President's consultation with the Executive Committee of the Academic Senate. Information on budgetary issues will be provided to the Executive Committee.
  • To review the...
Graduate Studies Subcommittee

Graduate Studies Subcommittee

Meeting Time/Day: 2nd and 4th Wednesdays, 12:15-1:30 pm
  • Chair: KiMi Wilson
  • Executive Secretary: Karin Elliott Brown

Charge. The Graduate Studies Subcommittee has the following responsibilities:

  1. To consider all policy issues pertaining to graduate studies and make recommendations thereon to the Educational Policy Committee. Policies concerning graduate courses and/or programs offered by PaGE include but are not limited to selection, admission, probation and disqualification of graduate students; regulations governing graduate studies; and the development and...
HHS Graduate & Credential Committee

HHS Graduate & Credential Committee

Meeting Time/Day: Monthly Meetings
Location: TBA
HHS Instructionally Related Activities

HHS Instructionally Related Activities

Meeting Time/Day: Once or Twice a year
Location: TBA

The committee will meet on Tuesday, Feb. 6 2018, from 3:15-4:15

HHS Undergraduate Committee

HHS Undergraduate Committee

Meeting Time/Day: Once a month. Mostly on Wednesday afternoon.
Location: TBA
Honors Convocation and Commencement Committee

Honors Convocation and Commencement Committee

Meeting Time/Day: Second Friday of Month, 9:30 a.m. -11:00 a.m.
  • Chair: TBD
  • Executive Secretary: Parviz Partow-Navid

The Honors Convocation and Commencement Committee is charged with the responsibility to recommend policy changes regarding Honors Convocation and Commencement through the Academic Senate to the President. The committee will recommend appropriate programs, ceremonial procedures, and physical arrangements for Honors Convocation and Commencement each year. Recommendations regarding programs, ceremonial procedures, and physical arrangements shall be made directly to the...

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee

Meeting Time/Day: 1st & 3rd weeks; Wednesdays; 12:15 pm-1:30 pm

Chair: Robert Nissen

Co-Chair: Anthony Shaheen

Executive Secretary: Scott Bowman

The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) maintains oversight of university animal facilities and procedures for animal care and shall carry out such activities as are required to assure humane treatment of animals, including compliance with federal regulations. The committee reviews proposed research and educational projects involving animals to ensure that they do not violate principles and policies on animal use....

Institutional Review Board – Human Subjects

Institutional Review Board – Human Subjects

Meeting Time/Day: Even Weeks, 12:30 pm-2:35 pm

Chair: Sharon Ulanoff

Executive Secretary: Jason Shiotsugu

The Institutional Review Board - Human Subjects reviews proposed biomedical and behavioral research projects involving human subjects in order to protect their rights, in compliance with federal regulations. Both funded and unfunded research projects, whether they are conducted by faculty, staff or students of the University, or by researchers not affiliated with the University but whose research involves campus personnel, shall be subject to review, except those unfunded...

Instructionally Related Activities (IRA) Advisory Committee

Chair: Joyce Williams

The Instructionally Related Activities Advisory Committee is an advisory committee to the President on eligibility of activities for Instructionally Related Activities Fee funding and the level of funding for eligible activities. This is an administrative committee; for detailed information refer to Administrative Procedure No. 217 in the Administrative Manual.

ASI Committee Goals and Expectations

  • Generate an annual report of instructionally related activities that are funded by the University
  • Promote...
Library Subcommittee

Library Subcommittee

Meeting Time/Day: 2nd and 4th weeks, Tuesdays, 10:50 am-12:05 pm

Chair: Holly Yu

Executive Secretary: Carlos Rodriguez

The Library Subcommittee has the following responsibilities:

  1. To consider all matters of mutual concern to the standing committee and to the Library.
  2. To review proposed allocations of funds for the purchase of books, periodicals and other print and non-print materials.
  3. To review plans for expansion and improvement of Library facilities and services.
  4. To serve as liaison among instructional and Library faculty.

ASI ...

NSS Steering Committee

NSS Steering Committee

Meeting Time/Day: TBD
Location: TBD
OSD Presidential Advisory Committee

OSD Presidential Advisory Committee

Meeting Time/Day: The 3rd Tuesday of each month at 10:00am -11:00am
Location: SA 110

Chair: Gonzalo Centeno

The Committee will review existing University policies and practices as necessary to determine whether these policies and practices comply with CSU, state and federal recommendations, laws, regulations, and codes. The Committee will forward reports and/or recommendations to the President and the Director of the OSD for review and consideration. The Committee will review new policies and practices to determine their impact on students with disabilities.

The policies and practices which fall within the scope of the Committee's...

Outstanding Professor Awards Selection Committee

Outstanding Professor Awards Selection Committee

Meeting Time/Day: Established Each Fall Semester

The outstanding professor awards selection committee is responsible for selecting the recipient of the award.

Student committee members will be responsible for choosing a recipient based upon excellence in teaching, scholarship, research, and professional achievement.

Student representative appointee is the ASI President or Designee.

Presidents Ad Hoc Advisory Committee on Honorary Degrees

The President's Ad Hoc Advisory Committee on Honorary Degrees reviews and evaluates nominations received by the campus community for honorary degrees according to criteria set out in the "Revised Guidelines for the Awarding of Honorary Degrees - The California State University," approved July 10-11, 1990 by the CSU Board of Trustees.

The committee shall review nominations made by the campus community; assist in the development and compilation of materials in support of such nominations; and forward those nominations selected by the committee as meeting the criteria set out in...

Program Review Subcommittee

Program Review Subcommittee

Meeting Time/Day: Thursdays, weekly; 12:15pm-1:30pm

Chair: Michael Willard

Executive Secretary: Karin Elliott Brown

The Program Review Subcommittee has the following responsibilities:

  1. To implement Trustee policy on review of degree programs
  2. To report and recommend to the Educational Policy Committee any proposed policies that might be desired
  • Student Membership Requirements: 1 Graduate Rep

ASI Committee Goals and Expectations

  • Recommend implementation of degree programs that provide an...
Programs and Student Services (PASS) Committee (U-SU)
Resource Allocation Advisory Committee

Chair: Lynn Mahoney

Executive Secretary: Lisa Chavez

The Resource Allocation Advisory Committee is appointed by and advisory to the President on issues regarding budget policy, planning and resource allocation matters. The committee will review the consolidated University Resource Allocation Request and submit recommendations to the President. This is an administrative committee; for detailed information refer to Administrative Procedure 212 in the Administrative Manual.

Student representative appointee is the A.S.I. President...

Retention and Graduation Planning Group
Risk Management and Safety Committee

Risk Management and Safety Committee

Meeting Time/Day: 1st Wednesday of each month, 1:40 pm - 2:55 pm

Chair: Kevin Brady

The Risk Management and Safety Committee advise in the formulation of policies that ensure the health and safety of all members of the campus community and provide economical protection of the University's resources. The Risk Management and Safety Committee will form ad hoc advisory subcommittees to address issues related to the operation of the committee. This is an administrative committee; for detailed information refer to Administrative Procedure No. 009 in the Administrative Manual.

ASI Committee Goals and Expectations

Space Allocation and Building Use (U-SU)
Strategic Planning Coordination Committee

Strategic Planning Coordination Committee

Meeting Time/Day: Twice in Spring Semester

Chair: Provost & VP for Academic Affairs

The Strategic Planning Coordination Committee is charted with the development, review, and assessment of the strategic plan for the University. The role of the committee is to facilitate communication about the strategic planning process. This is an administrative committee; for detailed information refer to Administrative Procedure No. 022 in the Administrative Manual.

Student representative appointee is the A.S.I. President or Designee.

ASI Committee Goals and Expectations

  • To...
Student Basic Needs Taskforce

Student Basic Needs Taskforce

Meeting Time/Day: 4th Monday of every month during Fall and Spring Semester from 3-4:30pm
Location: U-SU Board Room North 303

The Student Basic Needs Taskforce includes the Office of the Dean of Students, The University-Student Union, The Center for Student, Financial Aid, Educational Opportunity Program, the Center for Engagement, Service, and the Public Good, Student Health Center, Associated Students, Inc., Center for Student Involvement, Housing and Residence Life, UAS-Food Services, and the Academic Senate.

Key Objectives of the Taskforce

Food and Housing can have a profound impact on the health and well-being of our students, which in turn impacts their academic success. This taskforce...

Student Fee Policy Advisory Committee

Student Fee Policy Advisory Committee

Meeting Time/Day: As needed

Chair: Lisa Chavez

Recording Secretary: Jill Carnahan

Established by and advisory to the University President on proposed fee actions for all student fees. Review on an annual basis a report on the use of SSF funds.

The Fee Advisory Committee will be comprised of five (5) members:

1. Associated Students, Inc. (ASI) President or designee;

2. Two (2) A.S.I. representatives at large, appointed by ASI;

3. Academic Senate Chair or designee; and,

4. Vice President for Administration and Chief...

Student Grievance Committee

Student Grievance Committee

Meeting Time/Day: Meets as Needed

The committee will conduct grievance hearings, deliberate, and issue findings of fact and recommendations for action fairly and expeditiously.

  1. Number of openings - Three (3) students to be named by the Associated Students Inc. (ASI). Students serving on the Committee must be regular students in good standing, determined to be so under the same regulations imposed for ASI members. Students shall be appointed for one-year term of office
  2. Student Rep Roles - The duties of Committee members include:
    • Attending all meetings called by the...
Student Health Advisory Committee

Student Health Advisory Committee

Meeting Time/Day: Monthly on Wednesdays; regular time is established at first meeting each year

Staff Advisor: Marisa Marcarello, Health Educator

The mission of the Student Health Advisory Committee is to serve as a student organization for individuals interested in promoting health related issues on campus and to identify and represent all groups of the student body. SHAC is composed of interested students that volunteer their time and work as liaisons between the student body and the student health center to better respond to student needs.

The Student Health Advisory Committee (SHAC) will advise the President on campus health services programs...

Student Policy Committee

Student Policy Committee

Meeting Time/Day: 1st and 3rd week, Tuesdays, 9:25 am - 10:40 am

Chair: Michael Clarke

Executive Secretary: Nancy Wada-McKee

Recording Secretary: Rosa Chavez

The Student Policy Committee has the following responsibilities:

  • To recommend policy related to student services and student affairs including, but not limited to, student educational equity, counseling, financial aid, health, learning assistance, orientation, outreach, placement, programs for special groups, records, recruitment, registration, retention, student activities, student discipline, testing,...
University Auxiliary Services Board of Directors

University Auxiliary Services Board of Directors

Meeting Time/Day: First Friday of Month, 12:00 p.m. - 2:35 p.m.

Chair: Dr. Jose Gomez

Recording Secretary: Pending

The policy-making responsibility for the UAS is vested with the Board of Directors. The 13 members of the Board of Directors represent a cross section of the campus community and include the President of the University, two senior University administrators, two staff members, three faculty members, three student members, and two public members from the community.

ASI Goals and Expectations

  • Assist with the management of campus corporate and commercial affairs on...
University Signage Committee

The Committee on University Signage serves as a standing committee for oversight of campus signage at the University. An essential part of the committee's responsibilities is to ensure that all campus signage is consistent with a style and vocabulary appropriate for an institution of higher learning. The following responsibilities are included but are not limited to: Building Identification Signage, Directional Signage, Public Information/Regulatory Signage, Temporary Event Signage, and Vendor Signage. We are a newly formed committee with two meetings held to date. We aim to meet every...