
Date / Time: 

Friday, November 15, 2019 - 12:00pm to 2:00pm


U-SU San Gabriel Room

I. Organizational Items

a. Call to Order
b. Roll Call (Establishment of Quorum)
c. Approval of Agenda for Friday, November 15, 2019

II. Public Comment - Public comment is intended as a time for any member of the public to address the committee on any issues affecting ASI and/or Cal State LA.

III. Action Items:

a. Students Academy of Audiology - SAA Informational Meeting - 11/20 - $725.13
b. Professionals in Human Resource Association - Pizza Fundraiser - 11/25 - $145.77
c. Professionals in Human Resource Association - Transfer Skills into Resume Form - 11/20 - $671.75
d. Baja SAE - Baja SAE Assembly Day - 11/19 - $1300.00
e. Tespa @ Cal State LA - LA Showdown - 11/25 - $1627.06
f. Academic Honors Association - Game Night - 11/22 - $270.32
g. Academic Honors Association - Porto's Fundraiser - 11/21 - $213.53
h. Forensics, Speech and Debate - The Dairlyand Swing - 12/6-12/8 - $3000.00
i. Formula SAE - Formula Build Day - 12/7 - $3085.21
j. ALPFA - Association of Latino Professionals for America - Pupusa Sale - 11/21 - $288.12
k. American Association of Airport Executives - SWAAAE Winter Conference - 1/26/19- 1/29/19 - $3000.00
l. American Society of Mechanical Engineers - ASME Workshop - 11/22 - $1012.00
m. Kalahi Filipino American Student Organizatiton - Portos Fundraiser - 11/20 - $236.00
n. Kalahi Filipino American Student Organization - Raising Cane's Fundraiser - 11/19, 11/21 - $940.00

IV. Discussion Items:

a. ASI Clubs and Orgs RPP: The committee will discuss possible solutions to the issue of clubs not following through with the RPP process.

V. Reports

a. ASI Vice Chair for Finance: Tu Nguyen
b. ASI Vice President for Finance: Christopher Koo

VI. Adjournment

Last modified on November 15, 2019


Regularly Meets On: 

Every Other Friday from Noon- 2 pm

Standard Location: 

Please check our meeting calendar for the next meeting
*Please check meeting list to confirm times and locations

About Committee

The Club Funding Committee is a sub-committee of the Finance Committee, hereafter referred to as the Funding Committee.

  • A. This committee is only granted the Authority for Allocations. This sole authority of taking action on funding proposals is referenced in Article IV, Section 1, of the Finance Committee Code of Procedure - Policy 201.
  • B. As is the nature of a sub-committee; the Finance Committee, and ultimately the Board of Directors (BOD), have the power to reverse or change any action, or supplement for any lack of action, taken in this committee.

What is the composition of the Funding Committee?

  • The Funding Committee shall be composed of nine (9) voting members and six (6) non-voting members.
    • A. ASI Vice Chair for Finance (V.C.F.) (Committee Chair)
    • B. ASI Vice President for Finance (V.P.F.)
    • C. ASI President
    • D. ASI Diversity and Inclusion Officer
    • E. Two members of the BOD appointed by the ASI President with majority consent of the BOD
    • F. Three students recommended by the ASI Vice President for Finance to the ASI President with majority consent of the BOD (non - ASI BOD)
    • G. ASI Executive Director (non-voting)
    • H. ASI Office Manager (non-voting)
    • I. University Dean of Students or designee (non-voting)
    • J. Center for Student Involvement (C.S.I.) representative (non-voting)
    • K. CFO of the University or designee (non-voting)
    • L. UAS representative or designee (non-voting)

What does the Finance Committee do?

  • It shall be the purpose and function of the Funding Committee to:
    • A. Act as the first step in a multi-level approval process in requests for appropriation of Associated Students, Inc. (ASI) funds in accordance with these Codes, the ASI Administrative Manual, and the ASI Bylaws.
    • B. Maintain a transparent and efficient funding process for the distribution of ASI funds.
Last modified on January 28, 2025

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