
Date / Time: 

Friday, March 2, 2018 - 2:00pm to 4:00pm


Administration Building Room 313

I. Organizational Items

a. Call to Order
b. Roll Call (Establishment of Quorum)
c. Approval of Agenda for Friday, March 2, 2018
d. Approval of Minutes for Friday, February 16, 2018
e. Approval of Funding Committee Report for Friday, February 23, 2018

II. Public Forum - Allotted time for members of the public to address the committee.

III. New Business

a. Action Item: Autonomous Underwater Vehicle - Spring Building Event - 3/1/2018 - $3,000


b. Policy Review: Policy 214 Travel Procedures

i. The committee will discuss and review policy edits recommended by the ASI President and Executive Director.

c. University Support Presentation Schedule:

d. Action Item: Proposal for LIT College Tour

  • The committee will discuss and possibly take action on a proposal submitted by David Zitser.

IV. Discussion Items

a. University Support Area Discussion: The committee will discuss and give opinions on the recent presentations of University Support Areas.

b. Strategic Planning Initiatives: The committee will review a draft of the strategic initiatives and look for ways the possibly be implemented in the Finance Committee.

V. Reports

a. A.S.I. Vice President for Finance: Aaron Castaneda

VI. Adjournment

Current Chair

Vacant Position Icon
Last modified on May 2, 2018

Regularly Meets On: 

Every other Thursday 2PM – 4PM

Standard Location: 

Please check our meeting calendar for the next meeting
*Please check meeting list to confirm times and locations

About Committee

The Finance Committees acts on behalf of the BOD in all matters pertaining to income appropriation, and the safeguarding of Associated Students, Inc. funds. The Finance Committee makes recommendations to the Board of Directors regarding allocation of funds. The committee also prepares an annual budget which must be submitted to the Associated Students, Inc. BOD in sufficient time for review and approval in accordance with Article VI, Section 4 of these Bylaws. The Finance Committee also has the responsibility for recommending the most appropriate investments.

What is the composition of the Finance Committee?

  • The Finance Committee is composed of 14 voting members and 4 non-voting members. You may use this application to apply for the following positions:
  • ASI Vice Chair for Finance (V.C.F.)
  • Four student (recommended by the V.P. for Finance to the ASI President with a simple majority consent of the BOD)

What does the Finance Committee do?

It shall be the purpose and function of the Finance Committee to:

  • Make recommendations to the BOD regarding allocation of funds.
  • Prepare an annual budget which must be submitted to the Associated Students, Inc. B.O.D. in sufficient time for review and approval in accordance with Article VI, Section 4 of the Bylaws.
  • Develop a balanced ASI Annual Budget for approval by both the B.O.D., and the University President no less than sixty (60) days prior to the end of the fiscal year.

Duties and Responsibilities

For more information go to our website Finance Policies and Procedures 200-225 and review Policy 201 Finance Committee Code of Procedure.

External Organization & Departments

ASI currently offers university support funds to Anna Bing Arnold Children's Center, EOP (Educational Opportunity Program), Golden Eagle Radio, EPIC (Educational Participation in Communities), Dreamers Center, U-Pass Metro Program, and Veterans Resource Center. Click below to learn out more about the Funding and Budgeting for External Organizations & Departments over $3,000 here.

Last modified on June 27, 2024

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