California State Student Association Advocacy Binder
Learn about the legislative process with a breakdown of the budgeting process and strategies for advocacy and collaboration.
California State Student Association Student Lobby Visit Strategies
Review best practices and steps to use when preparing for in district/capitol legislative visits. This document also provides outreach templates and a helpful do's and don'ts of lobbying section.
California State Student Association Student Lobby Visit Strategies
Expand Your Influence
Learn about the five influencing styles, how to build influence, and how to be assertive.
Your Circle of Influence
Based on 'Seven Habits' by Stephen Covey, this concept is crucial to anyone wishing to have greater impact on their world. No matter who you are or where you are located in your system, you have a circle of influence.
Tips for Writing and Passing an Effective Resolution
Resolutions are a formal way of stating intended action by a group of people. A resolution is an original motion, which because of its importance, length, or complexity is submitted in writing. It is then brought forward on the floor of a general membership meeting, convention, or developed for wider adoption.
Writing Project Proposals
There are two main reasons to write a project proposal. Either someone has invited you to submit one, or you are trying to gain support or funding from your own or another organization. Here are a few tips to help you improve your proposal.
How to Write a Petition
A petition is a document which intends to change the status quo by flaunting the signatures of the number of people who are in favor of the change. There are all sorts of petitions written. But across the board, people see that the petition is a powerful enough instrument to ensure a change of heart in whoever it is being sent to.
Ten Ways to Fight Hate: A Community Response Guide
All over the country people are fighting hate, standing up to promote tolerance and inclusion. More often than not, when hate flares up, good people rise up against it. This guide sets out 10 principles for fighting hate in your community.
The Alt-Right On Campus: What Students Need To Know
In this guide, the Southern Poverty Law Center examines the alt-right, exposes underlying ideologies, and recommends ways to deconstruct and counter propaganda, mount peaceful protests, and create alternative events and forums when alt-right speakers come to campus.
Opinion - Racialized Realities: The Need for Activist Leadership and Scholarship on Campus
Consider the importance of activist leadership and how to communicate a clear message of institutional values of diversity, equity, and inclusion to constituents on and off campus.
Interviewing Strategies
Discover behavior-based interviewing designed to address the skills, expertise, and experience of candidates. Also called behavioral interviewing, it is built on the premise that past experience is the best predictor of future performance.
Developing Leaders
The ideal equipper is a person who can impart the vision of the work, evaluate the potential leader, give them the tools they need, and then help them along the way at the beginning of their journey. Consider 'mattering v. marginalizing' and a new paradigm for serving.
Management Trends
Take a look at some of the hot business management trends and themes in 2016. Consider service, engagement, and planning through the lens of strategic planning.
<a class="download_button" target="_blank" data-cke-saved-href="/sites/default/files/content/upload/2019/08/business-management-trends.pdf" href="/sites/default/files/content/upload/2019/08/business-management-trends.pdf" "="">Learn about essential communication and workplace skills for moving from conflict to cooperation. Strategize and review best practices.
Conflict and Alternative Dispute Resolution
Learn more about facilitating, or managing, conflict as a mechanism for individual and collective learning and change. Become familiar with conflict coaching, facilitated dialogue, mediation, and restoritive justice.
Conflict Management and Style Assessment
PowerPoint presentation: During the summer of 2016, Dr. Jen Miller, Dean of Students, spoke to ASI about conflict management and the assessment of their own conflict managing styles.
Preparing For & Running Meetings
How to Run an Effective Meeting
How you manage your meetings is one of the biggest "risk factors " for participation and member investment. Learn best practices regarding planning (especially thinking through agendas and goals); logistics; and chairing skills and principles.
Lead Productive Meetings
Clearly define the objectives for yourself or the group if you are the person responsible for the meeting. To help you think through your objectives, ask yourself some key questions.
Let's Stop Meeting Like This
Learn how to get work done in meetings. By rethinking and changing the culture of meetings, they can move from being energy-sapping to energizing environments.
Tips for Chairing Effective Meetings
Meetings can be an extremely efficient way to get things done quickly, to support building a team environment, and to enable collaboration among key people to produce a better outcome than possible working independently.
Robert's Rules: The Basics
Parliamentary procedure is the body of rules, ethics and customs governing meetings and other operations of clubs, organizations, legislative bodies and other deliberative assemblies. Learn more about Robert's Rules and how to fully engage during your meetings.
Goal Setting
Devote more attention to goal setting, developing a plan of action, and monitoring your progress. Decide where you are, who you are, and where you want to go, by creating S.M.A.R.T. goals.
Develop your own system by applying some key steps to increase your productivity. From keeping to a routine to simplifying your project list, consider how you identify your most important tasks.
Habits of Highly Effective People
Habits are powerful forces in our lives. They determine our level of effectiveness or ineffectiveness. Consider an approach to being effective in attaining goals by aligning oneself with character ethic principles that are universal and timeless.
Dealing with Aggression
Relationships in the workplace can get tricky, but you have to practice self-care. Be intentional in seeking balance in both assertiveness and empathy.
The key is assertiveness: a worldview, behavior strategy, and set of techniques that enables its users to get more of what they want by acknowledging, respecting, and accommodating the needs and wants of others.
Dispel limiting beliefs by being clear about what you want and need while also recognizing your own value. Use these exercises to reflect upon the differences in passive, aggressive, and assertive communication.
Selecting a Support System
Most of us have a support system by default. Certain people have always been around and they automatically become the ones that we talk to. But, what if we put as much thought toward selecting our personal board as we would in selecting a corporate board?
The Skills Future Higher-Ed Leaders Need to Succeed
The swift pace of change and the complexity of the challenges facing our colleges and universities is immense, and is testing the abilities of our institutions' leaders. building the leadership capacity of our institutions is the greatest challenge facing higher education.
6 Powerful Ideas for Building a First-Class Team on Campus
We must work collaboratively to utilize the collective talents of our campus stakeholders. And learning to build high performing teams is one of the most effective ways we can meet the many challenges that confront us.
10 Articles Every Leader in Higher Ed Should Read
A list of key articles on leadership, curated by Patrick Sanaghan & Amit Mrig, from Academic Impressions.
Setting Goals & Sticking to Them
PowerPoint presentation: In the summer of 2017, Ashley Joseph, Senior Coordinator of Student Engagement & Outreach, facilitated a discussion about setting personal goals and developing team objectives and organization targets.
Developing & Assessing Learning Outcomes
Powerpoint presentation: During the summer of 2017, Ashley Joseph, Senior Coordinator of Student Engagement & Outreach, presented on learning outcomes as related to the evaluation and assessment process.
Connecting Leadership Accomplishments to the Job Search
The advantages of student government participation within the workforce. Discover the benefits and development areas of student government and how they relate to employability.
Public Relations
Great public relations means setting up ongoing relationships with many important influencers (and therefore their audiences). Take steps to ensuring that your organization becomes an excellent data source for the influential.
Effective Marketing
Become a more effective marketing organization, discover your brand, and then determine the ideal way in which you'd like to be perceived. Arrive at ways in which your brand can add value to the organization, those you serve, and those you're working with.
Move beyond using your brand primarily as a fundraising tool and develop a broader and more strategic approach. Manage your organization's brand to create greater social impact and tighter organizational cohesion.
ASI Program Proposal
Start the planning process by identifying key collaborators and securing your event date, time, and location. Describe your learning outcomes and align your program with the organization's strategic goals. From publicity production to volunteer management, this tool is an important part of the planning process.
ASI Event Evaluation Card
Participants can fill out a hard or soft copy of this card while on-site at your event. Retain data and track your outreach and marketing efforts. Find out what participants think of your event and what they'd like to see in the future.
ASI Post-Event Evaluation
Reconnect with your initial learning objectives. Assess the success of your program by reporting on your events stats and budget numbers. Reflect on your overall effectiveness, quality of the program, audience reaction, and logistical functionality. How can you continue to improve?
Shared Governance & Administration of the University
In the summer of 2017, Dr. Jen Miller, Dean of Students, presented the concept of shared governance in postsecondary education and how it functions at Cal State LA.